^that me and my cuz katie! im the brunet!^

^her butt is comfy! blaugh ^

^hanging out by the water!^

^me thinking? about who?!?!?! I know! xD And so does that person! *wink*^

^we were borde! xD^

^alright...this is my favorite picture of all time! me and my friend eddy! its pure amazement!^

^me and my ring...it means everything...it represents someone...i love^
And Here Are Just Some Random Ones Of Me & Peoples

^katie tastes good xD haha luv ya sis^

^xD!!! we are the crazyest little fagots in the world! love you guys!!^

^hehe! thats my puppy kono! heart ^

^and in this pic are some of the reasons i get up in the morning. this was taken at my sweet 16. blurry because it was a photo on my wall....and i re took it with my cell camera xD!