I've decided to take a chance at writing and sustaining a journal. But first, there are a few things that you should know about me.
1. I'm random.
2. I have an overactive imagination.
3. I'm lazy.
4. I have a somewhat twisted sense of humor.
5. I tend to go on rants about nothing.
6. I Love Anime and Video Games.
On second thought, lists are boring. You can figure out the rest out for yourself.
Back to business. I was going to start a journal a few weeks ago, but one thing lead to another, and with all the studying I had to do for Final Tests, along with some procrastination on my part, I kinda forgot. But now that school's out, I have much more free time on my hands.(Although I will likely spend most of it playing Video Games.)
A funny thing happened the other day.(And by funny, I mean annoying and slightly painful.) A metal wire was anchored to my teeth. Now most of you know this object as "braces", but I have my own way of describing it.(Because I'm awesome, and awesome people have awesome ways of describing not-so-awesome things...Awesome.) It was a surprise to me that they used pliers and glue to apply said braces. I was expecting something like a drill or a blowtorch...Well, maybe not the blowtorch, but you get the idea. What I'm not exaggerating is the pain I experienced right after the installation. It hurt to talk, and eating was nothing short of impossible. What twisted mind came up with this contraption in the first place?
Has anyone ever noticed that the English language has so many pointless words? I mean, we have bunches of terms to describe some of the oddest things, whose only purpose seems to be that of differing the syllabic sounds when describing something specific. However, it can be fun to learn ridiculously long words that have simple meanings just to confuse the heck out of people.
Well, I think I'll wrap up this journal entry, but before I click submit, I'd like to leave you with a random fact. Apparently, Giraffe is Kosher. Now stop wasting away your life on the computer and go outside.
View User's Journal
The Random Thoughts of Chibi BlueFire
This journal will mostly cover random experiences and random thoughts that go through my mind. Sometimes I may include a little story or picture if I'm feeling creative. Just be warned that updates are going to be irregular because I'm often busy.
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Artist, Gamer, and Bird Enthusiast.

Beware of the Cucco revenge squad!

Beware of the Cucco revenge squad!