You know what, Kids?
This Paranoia Thing Is Getting Old.
So yesterday I went to the library. Fun, right? I get to checkout several hundred books with absolutely no intention of reading them. Well, it would be. But I was also trying to hide out from the heat and my little brother's baseball game. So I decided to hang out and read for a while.
So what'd I do?
I ran away and hid in the kiddy section.
Again I say, this paranoia thing is getting old.
Updated: September 23, 2oo8
Why does everyone always assume I'm joking when I talk about being paranoid? I mean, a lot of people like to joke about being crazy, sure. But when your ******** mirror scares the living s**t out of you 24/7 it's not really that amusing. Being afraid of mirrors is irrational, isn't it? So why can't I get it out of my head? It's like...in the back of my mind I'm beginning to believe it's not really your reflection....(Cue the overly-dramatic DUH-DUH-DUHHHHHHH music.)
But whatever. If I start hearing voices I'll let you know. Until then, cheers.