everything is moving to fast!!!
the first day of school is here, and by the next day, its the end of the year
so many things are going through my head as the last 2 weeks are coming to end.
i keep thinking about, that the friends i love will they come back? or will they be to busy for us?
also, many ppl have been telling me things, that are putting me into weird and akward postion!!! urghhh i hate that sooo much . the last thing i want to think about before the year to come to an end, is that i might end up hurting some ppls feelings sad .......... im not sure how to respond to 4 of my friends. (its gonna be hard) so if im in a state, were i isolate myself from everyone, and i seem lonely. i probley am, but i want to stay that way (dont want to be bother) . its my only time i can think! i want to tell everyone how i really feel right now. but its too complex and to much things to say! its to much for me to handle right now. so im sorry if u read this and this is like really confusing to follow. because thats how my head has been feeling for about 2 weeks now.
but....... i will try to be happy and cheerful for andrews party tomorrow 3nodding
live life to the fullest
never look back, but never forget
always count ur blessings
never regrett
thank god for the ppl u have to love and care for
pray for the ones that do not
smile like ur life depended on it
and cry when u need to the most
look at the day, as if its always something diffrent
for a day is never the same as the one b 4
love with all ur life
and dont hate anything, for its not really there
always remember the good, never the bad
and tell all the love ones, u love them b 4 u go to bed
every minute, every hour, its important to be happy
never forget what u have, for u have more than the world
never take things for granted
cause u will miss it when its gone
remember that god loves u
and that ur very blessed to be in his heart!
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random things written into a journal
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I believe in Jesus Christ,my Savior.If you do too,and arent scared to admit it,then copy and paste this into your sig!
Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.

Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.

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