Age: Looks to be around 23, but in actuality is nearing 580
Race: Dog Demon/Miko
Marital Status: Involved with Damion Salvidor [Alice of Cymru]
Bio: Harusaki was raised, much to her father's chagrin, in her uncle's palace, learning the etiquettes and behaviours of a Lady of Breeding, as her uncle would say. She was a very fast learner, and didn't dare go against her uncle's wishes, however she hated that life, having always been very similar in temperament to her father.
So, when Haru was 15, she'd had enough of her uncle's primping and preening. Going against his better judgement, Haru left the castle in order to seek out her true calling, which sure as hell, in her mind, was not being a lady. She travelled for a year, in that time going to see her birth family, who welcomed her back with open arms. She stayed with them for a half year, eventually giving into her need to travel again.
When she was 17, she found an area in the Eastern Mountains, usually wolf-territory, which was inhabited by panther demons. Of course, the initial cat-dog fight broke out, but Haru didn't want to kill any of them. After incapacitating, with some difficulty, about nine panthers, the head of the clan stopped the fighting altogether. His name was Correll. Haru and Correll were fascinated by each other, and Correll offered to become her mentor.
She trained with him for two years, pushing herself to the limits during daylight to become what Correll called a demonic slayer, and during the nights, learned healing magics and spoke with Correll of many things, picking up with him where she left her studies back in the Western Palace. The two became very close, treating each other as father and daughter. Harusaki was quick to surpass his abilities, and attained her battle-mate, her blade, Fenikkusuken.
One night after a raid, Harusaki had come back to the den to find her mentor face-down in a pool of his own blood, two bite marks on his neck, surrounded by his fallen clan-mates. The thing that killed them loomed over them, laughing to himself about the easy kill. Haru was stricken with grief, and in her blindness, nearly got herself killed as well. The creature, who called himself Aidan, promised that he would return for her, to finish the job.
Of course, Haru had to flee, since she would not allow this monster to best her. She stayed well away from her family, not wanting anyone to be hurt because of her. On her journeys, she found and befriended a black dragon named Atrum, becoming his Rider. She followed the mountains down into the Eastern Valley, where she settled, for the time being, in an Inn, where she lived and worked. Over time, this Inn became a town on its own, and where she found her first love, a wolf demon named Trie. They lived in the village together, siring one child, and adopting another. These children, her two eldest, are Mika and Akira Taisho.
However, misfortune struck again. Trie had been missing for weeks, and after waiting, Haru decided to search for him... Only to find him washed up onto the riverbank with two unnervingly familiar puncture marks in his throat. This sent her into a spiral of depression that none of the village inhabitants could break through. Eventually, she couldn't stand the memories any longer, and fled again, taking her children with her.
She travelled to the Northern region this time, in an attempt to break Aidan's tracking pattern. They travelled for quite a few years, eventually settling in an old abandoned farmhouse just outside a large city called Resitan.
Here, Haru learned of the Dragon God they worshipped, and she found him to be interesting. Of course, she didn't divert from her shinto-Buddhist way of thinking or practises, however she studied this God, all the while caring for her children and keeping her body honed for fights.
What a shock to her, when the God decided he liked her. He visited her, and she was immediately drawn in by his kindness, nothing like what the books said he was like. Eventually, he took her and her family under his wing, and Haru as his ward.
Aidan hasn't struck her family as of yet, however, Haru has felt a shift in the world, one that she was now all too familiar with. It's only a matter of time before his next attack. It is the greatest fear of the demoness that they would not be ready.




Atrum's Human Form

The Taisho Residence


Sitting Room:

Dining Hall:



Conference Room:

Haru's Quarters:

Akira's Quarters:

Mika's Quarters:

Atrum's Quarters:
