I have started to write my own book. my friendsl ike my art and like the backgrounds I have created for them so they wanted me to do something special with it.
the story revolves around a bounty hunter named Scarecrow and a young woman named Suzuran. at first they just wander the world collecting bounties on criminals but several events in their lives send them on a journey of sorrow, truth and betrayal.
Cynthia Flamestrike, is a fire woelding newbie bounty hunter. she is Scarecrow's rival in the story. she is nowere near the power and experience that Scarecrow has but she still manages to be a major thorn in his side. she eventually teams up with the two. she may be a bit hot headed and loud, but she is a nice person at heart.
Lupine Timberwood, he is a master theif. Lupine tries stealing Scarecrows valuable scythe and they engage in combat. the battle stops when Suzuran finds them on the dark streets battling it out. Lupine instantly falls in love with her. Lupine joins up with the group to try to be with Suzuran. Scarecrow is not to fond of having osmeone that will steall his weapon while he is asleep. eventually Scarecrow and Lupine gain a respect for eachother.
Dante, the main villina in the story. he was created by the hate and anger wihtin the human soul. Dante is a master at shadow magic and melee combat. DSante does not want to bring the destruction of the world, he wants to rule is with an iron fist and will stoip at nothing for control. his past is connected with Scarecrow's. Dante created a group of extremly powerful demons to assist him in his schemes they call themselves "the tianted"
Aamon, a gargoyle Demon. he is the muscle in dante's army. he may not be the brightest bulb but few beeing can match his awsome physical strength.
Aranea, she is a beautiful, highly intelligent spider demon. she kidnaps Suzuran and badly wounds Lupine when they are seperated from the group. she is then confronted by Scarecrow and Cynthia. this is the demon that Cynthia proves herself against by killing her in a tsunami of flames. Aranea has spinnerets on her abdoment like a spider but on her human arms she has hidden spinnerets ontop of her whrists. the silk is extremly sticky and as strong as titanium. one careless moves and you are done for. using this kind of silk drains alot of energy so Aranea lgets protien energy by draining the blood of all forms of life. she prefers the blood of young women.
Adjal, the most powerful of the tainted. he is pure evil and wants nothing more then to see everything suffer. he is also the most intellegent of the tainted. he opperates attack stratedgies and battle plans. he creates hallucinations and brings your worst fear "to life". his menacing power and personallity is hidden under a very clever disguise, He takes the form of a young boy no more then 9. this way he can wander naywere without beeing noticed. he can wlak through towns and cities undetected and crumble an area from the inside out.
( i will be putting all my ideas and characters here. if my friends like my story enough i will be posting it in my journal!)
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