Flare: i'm bored
Sasuke: *siting under a tree and drinking lemonade*
Flare: oooooooooo a bumblebee! nooooooo get back here Mr. Buzzy! *trying to grab him*
Mr.Buzzy: *flys away*
Flare: hmmmmm *gets a net* You will come!
Mr.Buzzy: *flying away*
2 hours later
Sasuke: *watching and eating a rice ball*
Flare: *pant pant* hmmmmm *gets a empty bottle* this will work! *puts a flower in it and sets it* now just to wait
Half a hour later
Sasuke: *playing with hair and watching*
Flare: im bored
Mr.Buzzy: *flys into bottle*
Flare: yes! I caught mr.buzzy! *zelda music plays*
Sasuke: *claps*
Airo: MINE! *steals*
Flare: Mr.Buzzy!
Airo: Ow! He stung me! im infectedted! *runs around screaming*
Flare: You killed mr.buzzy!
~Eskudo Flare Higrushimi
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