appearance:  Gaia Name: The_Zeromancer Name: Yvonne Pendallum Age: 19 Gender: Male role: Invited bio: Yvonne seems like the guy you'd see at Royal balls. He's rich, handsome, and has a knack for attracting womens' attentions. But, he rarely ever goes to balls. Instead, he loafs around and scratches his(Pun intended.) He's always getting himself into mischief, and loves to flirt. But, underneath his crazy surface, is a kind young man who will willingly give his life for what he believes in and loves. He tends to walk around in all of his armor and his cape, or his chain pants, plate boots, and cape. He's also an expert swordsman. personality: Kind; Crazy; Care-free Pets: None. Weapons: Sword in Picture
Narxes · Wed Apr 30, 2008 @ 12:55am · 0 Comments |