Loki ran through the village, carrying her stolen goods and her dragon flying above her. She laughed and looked back at the dumb found shop keeper that she tricked. Male shop keepers were always her target because she could use her looks to manipulate them. Loki jumped up and landed on the back of her dragon. "Let's hurry Mina!" she yelled playfully to her dragon. Mina nodded and flew quickly to their mountain hide away. Loki was never in a village for too long because she had some dragon slayers after her. The dragon slayers killed dragons and people who game into contact with them because in this time, dragons were evil and bad luck. No one wanted to get near one in fear of being cursed. Loki didn't believe in such a thing so she was thrown out of her home village and was forced to wonder alone. Soon, Mina found Loki laying on the side of the road sleeping. Mina place young Loki on her back and took her to a safe place. Since then, Loki and Mina have been a family and good luck came to them where ever they were. Loki looked at Mina and smiled softly. "Let's land in a large clearing so that we can rest a little bit before we get home." The large dragon looked around and flew down to a field of flowers. The landed gracefully and Loki flipped off and landed in the flowers. She got down and listened carefully. "Okay. We're safe for now." Loki walked over to a large rock formation and climbed up it. She looked around then looked at Mina. "No one is around so we can play a few games." Loki smiled and jumped down. "The hunters won't find us for a while."