I am know as: Kiranna Etsu
But you can call me: Key, Kiranna
The sex I am is female
I’ve been alive for: 15 years
I’m always: Quite un-trusting and nervous around strangers. But to a friend I can be adventurous, fun and daring. I'm also very sarcastic.
I recall: Living with my aunt after my parents were shot when I was a baby. I found my skill when I was ten and was open with it only to my aunt. But when I was thirteen my aunt invited a salesman into our house and he killed her and kidnapped me, he was a Zodiac Tamer. I worked for him for a little over a year. I escaped, barely, dragging along a shackle that I can't remove. I live in secret, usually running from place to place so that none of the tamers will find me again.
I’m special 'cause I'm a dragon
Watch me: out-smart my opponent. I am pretty clever, usually thinking of ways to trick or injure my opponent. It usually ends up getting me hurt because I don't fight well when I'm thinking but I can typically overcome my enemy in the end.
Rank: None.
Am I caged or free? Running Free
You can find me as Houra
Ring Master:

I am know as: ((Nasame Matsumoto))
But you can call me: ((Nasame or MeiMei))
The sex I am is ((Female))
I’ve been alive for: ((Fifteen years))
I’m always: ((relatively timid. Very honest, can be rash when angry. Does not like to hurt people, especially the Zodiacs. but believes it is what's right. Not easy to forgive.))
I recall: ((A nomadic life, travelig with my family while my Tamer father chased after the Zodiacs. He died when I was twelve and left his title of Ring Leader to me. I would rather not have my title but since I grew up being told how terrible Zodiacs were I can only believe that I must do it. I wish to run away but fear I will be followed after and forced to come back or killed. My mother, always jealous of my inheritance of the Ring Leader title tries to mess with my mind so that I do things I'll regret, therefor I resent her.))
I’m special cause ((Zodiac sign or Zodiac Tamer))
Watch me: ((Hahaha, I don't typically fight, but you can watch my underlings do it for me. I prefer to compromise things verbally. When absolutely necessary I use a whip, and when truly angered I try to deal as much pain as possible.))
Rank: ((Ringmaster))
Am I caged or free?((n/a))
You can find me as ((Twilitia))
RPC- Evangeline Carson
Age- 153
Race- Demon
Gender- Female
Weapons- A small vial of poison; a dagger; blisters (little, like paintballs, but filled with acid that can burn your skin.) and a slingshot to use them.
Abilities- Excellent poison and medicine making skills, and she is an incredible artist.
Theme Song- Three Seed by Silversun Pickups
Bio- She grew up in a quaint little town due east of Genesis. She was human, she believed, at least and lived with a good family. And one day when she was about fifteen a vampire hunter came to the city claiming that they were living in secret nearby. He came to her home and stole her away, thinking she was one in disguise. He brought her to his master who accidentally revealed her true form. They were so stunned that she was able to escape and fled. She arrived in a cavern in the deep south and lived there in isolation for many, many years. She has been drawn to the city after hearing from a traveler that her kind resided in the city. She hopes they can explain how she came to the world being a demon in human form and why she was brought in at all.
Appearance- She is tall, and anorexically thin, with deep red skin. Her hair is long and black but thinned and dying and slightly matted. She has bird-like feet with long talons; her hands have an extra finger and joint, they are also clawed with sharp black claws. She has a thin mouth, razor sharp teeth, and a long tongue; all of which are black. And her eyes are also completely black, no whites or irises to speak of. She still looks as though she's in her twenties (had she looked human).

Hi, I'm Silber
I'm 19 Years Young
I use the little Girl's Room.
I can be like this:
I am usually introverted and and quiet. I care for all living things, especially my sisters. When I am provoked enough I can be mean, and have a burst of strength. I can be pretty moody sometimes.
And This Is My Story
I care a lot about my sisters, and hope the best for them. I skip out on my duties and chores most of the time to follow my own desires. finding love is my top priority at the moment,
But I'm Really Houra, But Shh! It's a Secret!
These two are quite similar, but found in dif. RP's:
Name: Iris
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Appearance: Iris is a Faerie, she is human sized, not a tiny being who dances around flowers naked, faerie, (only put here due to previous misconceptions.) She has skin so dark it seems black, white freckles and irises. She has long white hair that is very slightly wavy. She is exceptionally tall and quite thin with long limbs and fingers. She also has papery white wings, like a dragonfly's, that seem luminescent in the dark. Pointed ears, and a faint green mark on her arm, but she won't say where it came from. Her clothes are skimpy but it is the way most of her people dress due to lack of fabric and other materials where they live. And because of her job on the airship, she usually wears goggles and a pilot's hat, and a pair of old leather gloves.
Weapons: A pike- spear, whatever you want to call it. And usually carries a dagger.
Small bio:
She grew up in a small town with the other people of her kind, it was a run down and empty city with few resources, so they lived in poverty. Her people began to drift to other places or become sick and die. Soon her family was the last left. A few years later Iris' father and older brother developed a very strange illness and died. After, she and her mother traveled looking for a new place to call home. But when she was twelve, her mother also fell to the same disease as her father and brother had. So she wandered until she came to Odena, a city by the sea where airships docked. She was fourteen by then, and still had a want to travel and find a new life. So she snuck aboard and tried to hide. But a gnome found her in the cargo hold and brought her to the captain. The captain, a nice man, let her take a job shoveling coals for the furnace but she unintentionally proved herself good with direction and a trusted worker so she was asked to take a job as pilot.
Name: Iris
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Race: Faerie, the human sized kind
Appearance: She has skin so dark it seems black, white freckles and irises. She has long white hair that is very slightly wavy. She is exceptionally tall and quite thin with long limbs and fingers. She also has papery white wings, like a dragonfly's, that seem luminescent in the dark. Pointed ears, and a faint green mark on her arm, but she won't say where it came from. Her clothes are skimpy but it is the way most of her people dress due to lack of fabric and other materials where they live.
Weapons: A pike- spear, whatever you want to call it. And usually carries a dagger.
Small bio:
She grew up in a small 'town' with the other people of her kind, it was a run down and empty city with few resources, so they lived in poverty. Her people began to drift to other places or become sick and die. Soon her family was the last left. A few years later Iris' father and older brother developed a very strange illness and died. She and her mother began to travel, for four years they lived alone in many different but always barren places. Then when she was twelve, her mother also fell to the same disease as her father and brother. She wandered until she came to Griggs, she was fourteen by then. She soon after became a tailor for a small, run-down shop and still works and lives there with the elderly human woman who owns the store. They are wonderful friends through the all because of their common backgrounds.
She fears she will soon contract that strange disease and die, but keeps her worries hidden, like always. Iris also is worried there is someone following her when she leaves the shop but wonders if she is just crazy.
Name: Caterina Rosen
Age: 20, but says a different age very time she's asked.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Honest about most things, but tries to be clever and is often quite bitchy and moody. And she is oddly extremely organized. She is also borderline Schizophrenic.
Why are you here: Was accused of murder but when confronted by the police she acted possessed and showed signs of schizophrenia and made very cryptic answers. Her house was also very clean but arranged so strangely that suspected her to be insane and sent her to Saint Hope.
How long have you've been in Saint Hope: Two and a half years.
How do you react towards the doctors: Is honest to any direct questions other than her age and if she was rightly accused of murder. She will usually challenge any assumptions, diagnostics, or cures/medicines or completely ignore them and say something random. She hates all for the doctors except for Temshu, who she tries to be kind to and Lecter, who she acts indifferent to, but has taken a liking to him, (he is her favorite doctor.)
Anything else that the doctors should know: She doesn't mind having treatments so long as she doesn't take any pills, she hates them.
Bio: She grew up a normal life with her two parents, an only child. But was kidnapped on her seventeenth birthday. After which she started showing signs of insanity and schizophrenia. Her parents tried to get her into an asylum or get her help but nothing helped and she seemed to be perfectly normal around any doctors so she was never sent away. But when she was eighteen she met a boy who fell in love with her, despite her strange behaviour. He became obsessed with understanding her and learning what made her that way that he himself went insane. He was found dead in her home and a neighbor had begun to smell his rotting corpse, when the police were contacted and it all began.
What you look like:

Meet My Maker
My Mom called me
{Margarette Drinkwine}
My friends call me
I blew out this many candles
People say I'm
{Quiet but rebellious. Does what she wants and doesn't care. Get easily depressed. Self-critical. Is smart but doesn't think so. Very negative. Spiritual more than religious. Kind of 'out there'/spacey. Can be obsessive. Likes good grammar.}
Story of my life
{Grew up in a very bad neighborhood in the city, full of ex-convicts and gangsters. When she was seven her mother was shot outside of her work. Her father soon remarried and she now lives with her alcoholic father, lazy step-mother, and seven-year-old step brother. She is haunted by calls and notes from an abusive ex and is trying to be adopted by her 19 year old brother so that she can live with him. When she needs something she'll steal it, but tries to buy as much as possible.}
Hey that's me

You make me blush
{Nobody yet.}
{She cuts and keeps a gun under her pillow at home. Rette's favorite colours are yellow and orange. Plays piano and bass guitar. Has a little tiny teddy bear in her backpack, a gift from her mother, she thinks it will bring her good luck.}
My Mom called me
{Margarette Drinkwine}
My friends call me
I blew out this many candles
People say I'm
{Quiet but rebellious. Does what she wants and doesn't care. Get easily depressed. Self-critical. Is smart but doesn't think so. Very negative. Spiritual more than religious. Kind of 'out there'/spacey. Can be obsessive. Likes good grammar.}
Story of my life
{Grew up in a very bad neighborhood in the city, full of ex-convicts and gangsters. When she was seven her mother was shot outside of her work. Her father soon remarried and she now lives with her alcoholic father, lazy step-mother, and seven-year-old step brother. She is haunted by calls and notes from an abusive ex and is trying to be adopted by her 19 year old brother so that she can live with him. When she needs something she'll steal it, but tries to buy as much as possible.}
Hey that's me

You make me blush
{Nobody yet.}
{She cuts and keeps a gun under her pillow at home. Rette's favorite colours are yellow and orange. Plays piano and bass guitar. Has a little tiny teddy bear in her backpack, a gift from her mother, she thinks it will bring her good luck.}
Name: Mable Alne
Age: 32
Race: Human/Shape-Shifter

Attitude: She is very motherly to those much younger than her. She is very honest and goes by her first impression, it takes a lot to change her mind about a person. She purposely annoys or gets in the way of people that she doesn't like but tries to be nice to those that she does. She is very stubborn.
History: Mable is from a line of gypsies that travel the world, her mother got pregnant when she was very young and left Mable to be raised by her elderly aunt when her mother joined a carnival with different routes than the gypsies.
Mable was taught tarot card and crystal ball readings when she was raised and cultivated her shape-shifting ability. When she was twenty-eight she had a miscarriage and has wanted a child since then. She went to the embassy to study under the royal doctor.
Physical Weakness: Mable can't have children anymore to her dismay and she has little arm strength.
Physical Strengths: She can run quickly and jump to high places, is very flexible.
Mental Weakness: Mable is not quick to learn and if she fails at something she tries and tries until she gets it right, she is very hard to get to do anything else once in this state.
Mental Strengths: She would like to think that she is clever, she has excellent grammar skills. She is also good at judging people's feelings and has good knowledge of medicine.
Magical Ability: She has her learned abilities, tarot card reading and crystal ball reading that she is only mediocre at. She can also shape-shift into birds. Birds of about any size, breed or colour, just so long as they have wings, beaks, and are covered in feathers.
Other: Mable loves to dance.
"How do we know that the sky is not green and we are all colour-blind?"

My mark would be...
You should call me...
Astrid Evangeline Carson
Do you know that I can...
Make medicine and contact spirits.
I've been counting down the years, it's been
Almost time to blow out another candle...
March Fifteenth
On a weight scale I'm
135-145 lbs.
You're ether Tall, Short, or perfect, you tell me...
5' 9'- Tall.
This is my personality, deal with it!
Loves to question reality, loves riddles and puzzles. Is very confusing but never gets confused herself, is very peaceful and open-minded. Judges people immediately and acts on first thoughts. Thinks before she speaks and always has some deeper meaning to her words. Would like to think she is clever. Agnostic in all beliefs and is definite about very little.
You actually want to know about me?
Had a relatively normal childhood but wished for freedom as your descended into teenage years. She ran away from home to learn and have freedom of thought from her parents' forcible opinions and 'knowledge'. Upon her travels she worked at a monastery and learned medicine and advanced prayer techniques and meditation and taught herself to contact spirits from things she had seen from the elder monks. She now lives in Cianamn studying theology, reality and all other things she finds questionable.
Things that are unknown, spooky, unique, etc.
She likes antiques, incense, and reading ancient tales, scrolls or stories.
Rain and other overcast weather.
The unexpected.
Quotes and proverbs.
People who think they know things.
Hot or otherwise sunny weather.
Modern music and sports.
Also, to get a close up view of other things...
Often will stay quiet for long periods of time due to thought or spontaneous contact with spirits. Often answers in complicated riddles, questions, or answers to get you to look into the deeper meaning of things and says often random things in spoken thought.
My puppetmaster would be...
Username: Houra
Name of character: Olivette Ceidra
Age: 16, eternally.
Sex of character: Female
Appearance: Olivette
Weapon(s): None, she's ghost, she can't hold them. But Captain Jasper keeps the knife she had as a human on his belt. It has an engraved, bone handle and a dull blade.
Small bio: She grew up in a small port village in the land of Serinci. Her mother raised her while her father was away at sea for long periods of time. She met Jasper when she was fourteen, the son of her father's colleague and partner. They fell in love but were forbidden to marry until they were old enough to make a proper decision and Jasper could support her.
In the summer, Olivette and Jasper's fathers left off on the S.S. Caelum to deliver a load of goods to Oren when a tropical storm struck. Olivette and Jasper's fathers made their destination but had both developed pneumonia and died in a hospital in Oren.
Olivette and Jasper decided to run away and marry and leave their pasts, and mourning families behind. Olivetter boarded the S.S. Caelum and departed but was struck down by a cannon from an enemy airship. She now haunts the S.S. Obsideo to be with her love.
Personality: She's very depressed, and is quiet, except on some nights when she is particularly sad, some can hear her wailing. Or see her following the crew so as not to be alone, for Olivette longs for company. She was a very bright, warmhearted, happy, and adventurous girl when she was alive. She loved to travel and was very quick to make decisions. She never regrets things.
Do you believe in/can you see Olivette? Of course, I am her.
How long have you been on the ship? Three years.
What's your theme song? Walking Ghost by The Glam
What crew are you apart of? S.S. Obsideo
Rank: N/A
Username: Houra
Name of character: Jasper Munith
Age: 21
Sex of character: Male
Appearance: Jasper
Weapon(s): Olivette's Knife, Pistol, Long Sword
Small bio: He grew up in a small port village in the land of Serinci. His father was an airship Captain along with Olivette's father and owned the S.S. Caelum. He met Olivette when he was 18 years old, the daughter of his father's colleague. They fell in love but were forbidden to marry until they were old enough to make a proper decision and until he had a steady job to support her.
In the summer, Olivette and Jasper's fathers left off on the S.S. Caelum to deliver a load of goods to Oren when a tropical storm struck. Olivette and Jasper's fathers made their destination but had both developed pneumonia and died in a hospital in Oren. Jasper came into the possession of his father's airship and crew who welcomed him with open hearts.
Olivette and Jasper decided to run away and marry and leave their pasts, and mourning families behind. When Olivette was killed Jasper planned to kill all the pirates that had murdered his love and has been tracking them down for years.
He still see's his dear fiance Olivette on the ship from time to time but cannot communicate with her very well, though he tries his best. He's determined to make Olivette rest in peace in heaven.
Personality: Strong-willed and powerful, often a tad scary. Very depressed and doesn't open up much. He has a short temper when it comes to loved ones or speaking of the dead. But on the inside he is very kind, gentlemanly, emotional, a good man. Once, he was a happy, bright young boy and you can still bring those qualities out in him with the right persuasion.
Do you believe in/can you see Olivette? Yes, Jasper knows she's here and can see her sometimes. He always looks for her when the crew complains of her wailing.
How long have you been on the ship? 3 years, and occasionally worked on it while he was young.
What's your theme song? Angry by Matchbox Twenty
What crew are you apart of? S.S. Obsideo
Rank: Captain
Username: Houra
Name of character: Ellisium Quilla Exiys III {Ehl-ee-see-uhm Quihl-uh Ehx-eez}
Nickname: Sia or "Queen"
Age: 15 years
Sex of character: Female
Appearance: [x]
Biography: Ellisium in the princess of the city she was named after. She was raised in the spoiling palace and is resentful of her life. She was always taught to do as she was told and to believe what those around her told her and to be a polite young lady. Ellis is very intelligent as she was brought up to know enough to run the city. When she was young she was the beauteous slave of her parents, the King and Queen, the perfect child who did as she was told and believed every word her parents told her. That is until she was nine years of age, and her sister did the most sinful of things. Alise did worse than kill herself, she went off into the eternity, depressed and curious and uncaring whether there was or wasn't something beyond.
From that day on Ellis questioned all she was told, rebelled and spiraled into depressive and manic states. She joined the underground gangs that fight against the other beliefs, at the ripe age of twelve, so that she may come to full understanding of the world and life and what exists and what doesn't.
Personality: As her sister never returned, Ellisium is a devout Vetian who is usually disgusted at the thought of something beyond, but deeply, secretly hopeful that she is wrong. She is very confused about life and philosophy and intent to learn the facts about existence. She is very rebellious and often secretive, to protect herself. She is rambunctious and able and determined to do and get whatever she desires.
Ellis is also severely depressed and often goes into manic, borderline psychotic states, during which she is uncontrollable, though she never remembers afterwards that anything happened. She really doesn't expect much of most people and is very negative.
Side: Vetian
What's your theme song? Save your Scissors-- City and Colour
Text Color: LightGreen
Username: Houra
Name of character: Lyrin Sidra Fay
Nickname: Lyr
Age: 58, though she appears 21.
Sex of character: Female
Race: Witch
Appearance: [x]
Specialties: Love potions, shape-shifting and slow acting poisons
Biography: Lyrin, the head of the house, inherited the ancient home from her grandmother after she passed away. She grew up a jolly young witch, studying potions, and accompanying the boys that were kidnapped to serve as dinners for the witches. She fell in love with one and used a love potion to make him fall for her, but the potion wore off after a short while and he fled from her in fear. After the event she left the house and went to study at a witchcraft school in Germany for five years before returning home after her grandmother died. She fallen in and out of love many times and keeps relics of each love in her room. She collects old witchcraft relics and often shape-shifts into a crow, her favourite form.
Personality: Lyrin tends to be helpful and usually tries to be happy, when she falls out of love or has her heart broken she goes into spells of anger and destruction. She is very easy to fall in love and doesn't like to withhold her feelings. She is very nostalgic and clings to material things.
Place of Residence? House of Syphonne
What's your theme song? n/a
Text Color: Red
Username: Houra
Name of character: Aithne Phiala Le Fay
Nickname: Aithne
Age: 27
Sex of character: Female
Race: Witch
Appearance: [x]
Specialties: Protective spells, Creating charms or bewitching objects, and has a good eye for finding witch-related artifacts or devices
Biography: Aithne was born and raised in Ireland in a tight, large coven of Celtic witches. She always had a knack for incantations and used them to bewitch things, curse, or charm things as tricks. Part of her coven split when she was quite young and joined a coven of German witches and she went with them to Germany. In Germany she met Lyrin, who was currently a young woman studying witchcraft. From Lyrin she heard about the house in America and was invited to live there, but she chose not to. For years she traveled the world, changing from coven to coven and honing her skills before she traveled to America and drudged up the old memory of the House of Syphonne. She found, ans joined the house when she was 22 and has lived there ever since. She recently found, through studying the family tree in the House that she and Lyrin are distantly related. Aithne is also a descendant of Morgan Le Fay.
Personality: Aithne loves to play tricks, often bewitching things to move or playing practical jokes with her magic. She is very happy and welcoming with a light spirit. Though when working on a serious subject she can be testing or very quiet. She has strong bonds with Lyrin, though they don't talk often. She is the jokster of the house and is very playful and helpful.
Place of Residence? House of Syphonne
What's your theme song? n/a
Text Color: MidnightBlue
Username: Houra
Name of character: Lilly River Wallam
Nickname: Lilly or River
Age: 16
Sex of character: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: [x]
Power(s)/Abilities: n/a
Biography: Lilly was born and raised in Riverside in a dysfunctional home, with her two older brothers and mother in a lower middle class residence. She was out of contact with her birth father, barely knowing his name. When her mother quit in a fit of rage at work, she couldn't get her job back, or a job anywhere. The Family went bankrupt, barely able to survive on Wellfare. Both her brothers were taken in by their fathers. Depressed and feeling useless, Lilly's mother killed herself and Lilly found her hung in the bathroom when she returned home one evening. She was taken into a foster home by who she found to be an overly happy young couple. She became depressed and was taken in by the wrong crowd at school and often got into fights and began doing drugs. She fell out of her second story window one night when she was high and confused, ran away from home and never returned. She lives in the back alleys of the worst part of the city, trying to get help for her drug addiction, and fearing to die of starvation or overdose on the streets.
Personality: She is clinically depressed and not usually very happy, though she tries to be upbeat. When she withdrawals she can become very hostile and uneasy, sometimes lashing out at people who give her even the slightest of looks. She is slowly overcoming her addiction, but still seeks guidance and is confused about her life and where it is going, or what to do with it. Lilly is very nostalgic, and remembers the times when she was very happy. She can be clingy, or very shy, but often befriends new people to feel accepted. She is very rebellious at times.
Do you have a demon master? N/a since there's nobody else...
What's your theme song? Teenagers- My Chemical Romance
Text Color: Medium Orchid
Username: Houra
Name of character: Xantheza the Wise
Age: 20
Sex of character: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: [x]
Weapon(s)/Power(s): Dagger, Scimitar, and she can make poison. She is also psychic.
Small bio: She grew up traveling the desert with her family, a band of gypsies. She learned tarot card and crystal ball reading from her aunt and sword fighting from her cousin while she enhanced her psychic powers. When she was twelve she was left in a small city to the west where she studied medicine and poisons. When she was fifteen she returned to Eastern Sky and lived with her cousins before opening her own shop in the Bazaar. She works in secret with the creatures of the night (vampires) and often works with the nymphs.
Personality: She is very mysterious, doesn't often let on to the whole side of things. She likes to make people scared or intimidated and she is very often doing secret things. But she never lies, it would ruin her reputation.
Why are you here? Xantheza runs her own shop where she can read your palm, cards, or crystal ball. She also makes medicines for ill customers, and with enough payment she will make a poison or even do a dangerous deed for you.
What's your theme song? Placebo- Pure Morning
Text Color: Red
Username: Houra
Name of character: Yuugao Itae (Prefers "Itae" )
Age: 16
Sex of character: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: [x]
Weapon(s)/Power(s): A staff with a stone said to have magic powers, she also knows martial arts and can do some magic.
Small bio: Yuugao was born in a small eastern province on an island to a very poor couple. An elder of the province deemed her to have special powers and took her in as his own- soon after her parents died of an illness spreading around the village. The elder taught her martial arts and magic and helped her to unlock her powers. She has been sent to Eastern Sky to live and practice her magic by her master and was told to return when she was skilled enough to summon a beast to take her back.
Personality: She is very easygoing and optimistic, extremely determined and not usually frustrated or angry- very calm.
Why are you here? Itae was sent by her master to the desert to practice magic- he thought it a fit place to find people who could help her train and a good place to live since the bazaar could provide everything she would need.
What's your theme song? Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
Text Color: Gold
Username: Houra
Name of character: Element Hakiffe, born as Edmund Lithren.
Age: Appears 17, but it is actually 137
Sex of character: Male
Race: Vampire
Appearance: [x]
Weapon(s)/Power(s): A sword bewitched by a Satanist priest and many other charms of the same dark magic and his sharp teeth.
Small bio: Born a human, Edmund was raised in a good, wealthy family. He was kidnapped on his Seventeenth birthday by a vampire who transformed him. Edmund was intrigued by his new family and race and he changed his name to go with his new body and life to Element Hakiffe. Element then lived in a coven of Vampires in the Northwest- a slayer killed his mentor and some of his coven but most escaped alive. They moved East and Element was offered a job by the High Priest of the Satanist church is exchange for a steady flow of quality meals. He accepted the job as did a few of his coven-mates and quickly became the Priests' favourite servant. Soon after the High Priest sent him to Eastern Sky to carry out a secret and important deed with two anonymous vampires.
Personality: Short tempered but he tries to control it. He wants to be powerful leader but can't often enough think of good plans to lead his trio, he is quick to change his mood but when he is angry he will usually stay angry, he is never rash about his decisions. He acts very mature for his looking 17, but not mature enough for his true age.
Why are you here? Element was sent by the head of the Satanist church in the North to the bazaar to seek out new members of the church, to bring back blood of innocent or holy people for the High Priests own spells, to attempt to summon the devil, and lastly to help the two other unknown vampires he'd meet to complete their missions.
Text Color: Grey

My parents know me as Tuesday Ivy Olga Bliss
My friends know me as Tues or Ivy
I was born on March 15, 1993. Making me a vibrant Pisces of 16 years.
My ascendants are German, Irish, Swedish, and Welsh. Mostly Swedish though.
I love Rainy days, Scottish Castles, Retro Fashion, designing (pretty much anything), painting, the colours green and red, nature, forests/trees, writing in my journal, debates, indie, folk music, laughing (but you won't hear me do it much) and fruit (but I secretly love chocolate cake more, it disappears in the middle of the night when you're asleep.)
I hate Stupid people, posers, the taste of fish, fakers, people who wears tons of make up, Mexican food, the colour pink (unless tastefully used), sluts, big cars, my step-sister, boring places or things, rap, scene kids and their music, and crowds.
What makes me hide under the covers is Movements in the dark, my step-sister's face, the thought of rats or roaches, and horror flicks.
My dreams are to marry happily and have children like a fifties housewife, to be an interior designer, to travel the world, and to change the life of someone I don't know.
My heart races at the sight of Nobody, really, not yet. But the one I'm looking for must be a boy.
I excel at Drawing, painting, and designing, winning arguments and debates, scaring people without trying, thinking of things quickly, and being sarcastic.
I fail at putting on make up, overcoming people with physical strength, tolerating people I dislike, and having patience.
When you look at me, you see short, fake-dyed red hair, bright green eyes, pale skin, a frail frame that's thin with little muscle or fat that is average height.
I act differently than anyone you've met. I am quiet, often, but I love making sarcastic remarks. I'm quite the brave introvert and don't easily make friends. I attach myself to the people I love, making me a little clingy, but I also shut out anybody I dislike. I can be very sarcastic or mean, but mostly I am very honest and blunt. I like debate but arguments upset me so I am very calm and very rational. Stubborn I may be, but I'm also very generous.
My life before now was mostly average. I grew up in Northern California with my mother and brother, without our father, but that never really upset me. He is out of sight and out of mind, since I never knew him. When I was six years old my brother (who was ten) burned our house to the ground while trying to use the stove and we moved back to my mother's home town in Nebraska.
I lived there for four years, loving the cool air and snow days. During the summer of '04, on our vacation in Santa Barbara my mother met a lovely single man and they married two years later. We moved in with him and his daughter in Temecula and I started my life over again in SoCal. After seeing our drab new house and helping my mother redesign it, I decided I wanted to be an interior designer.
I never liked my new sister either, all of the kinds of people I hate bundled into one, but I miss my brother dearly, who is a strong sailor now. Since our move, I have been studying art as much as I can and attending River Springs Charter School.
I rock to No One Does It Like You by The Department of Eagles
The little voice in my head is named Houra

I am called:
- [ Xantheza Mable Odam ]
I am:
- [ 22 ]
I am also:
- [ Female ]
I am a Performer Because:
- [ She is an excellent acrobat, sword-swallower, can contact spirits, and creates sparks if she claps or snaps her fingers. ]
My Past:
- [ Xantheza's ancestors were nomadic people and wandered the Earth entertaining for a living, and when they found the city of Allusia a large band stayed behind to live there. Descendants later Xantheza was born. Her mother left the city when she was only four to join the gypsy band her great-grandmother was a part of and Xentheza was left to be raised by her father and aunt. Her aunt was a simple mother and cafe owner and her father was a renowned acrobat who taught her everything she knew.
When Xantheza was only eleven she discovered her power to contact the dead after seeing the spirit of her late pet cat. From then on she tried her best to hone her powers, all of them so that she could be a famous performer like her father and perhaps one day take his place. When Xantheza was only sixteen she fell in love in a lion tamer who was apprentice to her father's colleague. At 17 she became pregnant with his child but after a dreadful influenza stuck she became infected and lost her child and she and her love were driven apart by sadness. Since she has taken her father's place as an acrobat and does other side show performances while partly running her Last Words shop where she contacts dead family members for customers. She always tries to find her baby amongst the lost souls she sees and contacts. ]
My Way:
- [ Xantheza is typically a very deep person, who puts meaning into all she says and does. She thinks before she acts and is only brash when it comes to things she has strong emotional ties to. She is often very cryptic or very blunt, never in between and she rarely lies. She is also slightly depressed. Xantheza has strong maternal instincts but often clams up or cries when it comes to thoughts of her child. ]
I Succeed At:
- [ Sword-fighting, entertaining crowds, faking accents and otherwise lying if she ever has to even if she doesn't like to, and singing. ]
I Fail At:
- [ Comforting people, Accepting payments, staying calm around performance animals, putting out fires she starts, giving advice. ]
I Enjoy:
- [ Warm weather, Drawing, Hearing stories, dancing and singing, good, hearty or homemade food, and roses. ]
I Do Not Enjoy:
- [ Fake psychics, fruit, poetry, wearing stage paints or make ups, unplanned events, not being able to practice her talents. ]
Pulling the strings:
- [ Houra ]
My Piece of the Rainbow:
- [ Salmon and Gold ]
My puppetmaster is Houra.
My full name is Tuesday Fable Bliss.
But, the people on the bus call me Tuesday.
My stage name is Paradox. That's how my fans know me as, so my identity isn't relased.
I recently blew out 17 candles on my yummy birthday cake.
You must be blind, if you can't see that I'm a Female.
I tend to go for Males.
If you wanna do a background check, here ya go. I was born to an English rock star and my mother, the fangirl. But my father was an avid alcoholic and part-time drug addict and when he began to turn into too much for my mother and his band mates to handle he was reported to the police and sent to prison. My mother, heartbroken, became a terrible caretaker and I was seized by child-services to be put into foster care. After I got my foster parents I was raised in a loving, happy home and was generally taken great care of. But when I turned fourteen I became rebellious and out of control, partying a lot with older kids and even doing drugs. My foster parents gave me up and I was sent to rehab, never to do drugs again, but it made me very introverted and I closed out reality. I found a man who I loved and who taught me everything I know about music, but he was far too old for me and eventually moved away, not talking to me again, fearing I might do something stupid to find him. Eventually I learned to go on with my life and joined Black Thorn in attempt to be a functioning human-being again.
My bandmaters usually describe me as Quiet, but moody, sometimes if I'm in a good mood I talk too much, insecure, mean because I am very sarcastic, rebellious and a rule-breaker. I can be scheming and play pranks but I'm usually a good sport. I am kind of generous unless I dislike you. Quick to judge.
I guess you can say I have a small crush on Alan.
I have a great sense of style. I usually dress A litte punk, emo, or goth, crossed with regular girl's clothes. I try to find unique pieces, or stuff at thrift stores so I don't end up like anybody else.
I provide the Lead Bass Guitar for my band.
I am a proud team member of the band, Black Thorn.
Here are a few fun facts about my wonderful self:I'm a Piscean, I love fish, alive or cooked, but I don't eat much, and I only have friends that are boys for some unknown reason.
My favorite beverage would have to be Root Bear & Cream.
I LOVE the color Turquoise.
If I could only eat one food for the rest of my existance, it'd be Peaches.
My personal favorite movie would be V for Vendetta.
Natalie Portman totally rocks my world.
Cary Elwes should be the leading man for any movie.
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit gets me through my darkest days.
I'd marry Chris Cheney in a heartbeat.
I would read Tithe by Holly Black any chance I get while on this tour.
I really can't stand Bright Lights (including stage lights), when people say I am is too thin (especially if they are fat), people touching or trying to hug me, worms, posers, anybody cocky or egotistical, stupid people, fighting or yelling, people who make fun of my insecurities, and pork.
This is how my fans see me as: Paradox
But, this is how I actually look like: Tuesday.
I might have left out that I secretly wanted to be the band lyricist but didn't think I had the talent.
My theme song would probably have to be This Picture by Placebo
Name: Brenda "Ren" or "Renda" Ryan
Played by: Houra
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Transforms into a: Blue Merle [It's a breed of Australian Shepherd Dog]
Bio: As a punk teenager, Ren snuck out of her house against her parents will to go to a party where she got drunk. Later that night she was kidnapped, and too drunk to fight back. At her kidnapper's residence she was bitten by his dog and became infected. During her first transformation, only a few days later, she escaped her kidnapper and ran out as far as she could run. When she finally became too exhausted to go any further she passed out just a mile from Ashburne city. When she awoke, she wandered traumatized, afraid, and confused into the city and into a bar. There she saw a dog walk into the bar and transform into a human, so she followed him and pestered him until he taught her of what she was. Since she has lived in Ashburne city working at the very bar she first stumbled into during the day cleaning up and setting up for each new night.
Human appearance: [x]
Animal appearance: [x]
Personality: On the outside she is very strong and confident, almost conceited or egotistical at times but on the inside she is scared and insecure because of her species, and it makes her quite depressed. She is intelligent, and always put-off by those she thinks are stupid. Ren can be mean and standoffish but she can be very nice and open with friends or those she feels secure with. She's also not looking for love, happy with her solitude, and hates when people tell her she needs a man in her life.
Sexuality: Straight
Other: She smokes one cigarette every day to calm her nerves and loves to paint.
Gaia name: Houra
Characters name: Apollis Carnum
Race: Faerie
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 90 lbs
Clan: (Would you mind if I waited until other clans were made for me to pick one?)
Class: Druid
Weapon: Staff with a gem enchanted by a Runegrave
Weapon Description: Made of a very light-coloured wood and carved to look like intertwining vines- at the tip the wood curls over like a wave and underneath that curl lays a opalescent stone enchanted by the Runegraves to help protect her from dark magic spells. The outside of the curl is encrusted with rubies and garnets.
Armour Type: Fabric
Armour Description: Off-white, much like her staff, embroidered with small patterns around the ends of the sleeves and skirt in red thread and on the back has the insignia of the Druids in red and silver thread.
Likes: Peace and Silence, bright colours, mysteries, wind and rain, shrines, abandoned places, loves water.
Dislikes: Loud noises, crowded places, darkness, ferocious animals.
Apollis was born in an Ancient faerie city but she left to Luna with her sisters when she was 14 years of age.
Two of her sisters were killed by Iron Dwarfs on a trip back home and she and Apollis sent her last sister back to her parents with a large group of Eons so that she wouldn't be hurt. Apollis continued to live in Luna for two years before training as a Druid. When the Eons who had taken her sister returned from their long, earth-wide trek, she rewarded them for taking her sister and in return they granted her the stone she has in her staff.
She fell in love with a Normid man and she became pregnant, but the baby died and her lover left her for a healthier woman. She soon discovered she had a rare illness, that had no cure, and it had diminished her health enough to kill her baby. She often is very weak and coughs up blood or faints, but it trying to overcome the downfalls of her illness. She studies healing magic to try and cure herself.
Other: Apollis plays the flute and violin to calm herself, she loves music and healing.

Name of pirate: Ginger Yasoven
Age of pirate: 17
Played by: Houra
Clothing: A red corset and long black skirt, black leather boots and a necklace her mother gave her. Sometimes wears a long black button-up for warmth.
Weapons: An old, slightly rusted revolver and long dagger.
Tattoos: A curling line on the side of her right eye and vine that weaves around her left wrist thrice.
Personality: She is very easy to change moods, often gets depressed or hostile but is easy to get laughing again. She rarely changes her attitudes towards certain people and judges people when she first meets them.
Bio: Ginger grew up in a good home and raised by good parents but she was very rebellious as she grew older, often getting taken home by city guards late at night. She fell in love with a man significantly older than she. His name was Ryan. He was a sailor and couldn't be with her often so she ran away from home and snuck aboard his ship one time and hid.
The ship was attacked and she watched as her lover was shot along with most of his crew, barely surviving. She and the skeleton crew managed to bring the ship back home with the navigation that Ryan had taught her.
She couldn't face going back to her parents so she joined the crew hoping to follow Ryan's steps and become a navigator.

Gaia Name: Houra
Character Name: Illra Unfall
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Nation: Corsian
Race: Human
Rank: Dragon Soldier
Personality: Grudging, a braggart, egotistical, sarcastic, joking, strong-willed, ruthless, likes to act like she has power.
Bio: Illra grew up side-by-side to Mistree in Corsian, their fathers rivals in business and Illra and Mistree rivals all their life. Illra joined the Dragon academy the year after Mistree secretly failed out and went to Ascension to be a dancer just for spite. Her parents were killed in the last battle between Corsian and Ascension along with her three brothers before the truce. She has a great hatred for Ascension as her last brother alive, a fellow dragon rider was killed by a rider from Ascension. She's against the truce and vows to kill an Ascension rider when and if the truce ever breaks, preferably Mistree.

Dragon Appearance:

Gaia Name: Houra
Character Name: Mistree Inne Cianatrope
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Nation: Ascension
Race: Human
Personality: Hateful and easily grudging, she jusdges people the first second she meets them and goes by her first impressions. She doesn't open up to very many people but she's not secretive. She is always brutally honest and tries to be realistic. She would prefer to be a loner but tends to cling to those she likes. She is adventurous, and craves adrenaline but is fearful at the same time.
Bio: She grew up in Corsian with her five older sisters and her parents. She worked in the family flowershoppe but longed for something more exciting. She moved to Ascension for the different, more artistic culture and after failing at her career as a dancer she decided to enter the Dragon Riding training academy, taking care of the very dragons that she hoped to ride to pay her way through. Eventually she inherited an older dragon from the previous rider before her who retired and had become a friend and mentor of her, enough so to give her his dragon, Prin.

Dragon Appearance:

I am a: [ Victim
My name is: [ Lisarette Drinkwine
I am controlled by: [ Houra
I am currently: [ 20 years
I weigh: [ 102 pounds
And I'm: [ 5 feet, 6 inches
I was born: [ September 21st
Here's my past: [ To my schizophrenic mother and no father, I was born and raised (if you could say it was raising). We wer