Well this is my story for RWW see if you like it...very long!
Lucky Me
Keep going you’re almost there. I thought to myself, sprinting through the grove of towering trees, through the rain, the droplets stinging my face like a million tiny needles. Pounding my feet against the soggy ground. My heart thumping. I was playing outside on a perfectly normal spring afternoon, when I had become caught off guard by a particularly unusual spring shower. I was already half way to my house from where I started running when the shower hit. For some reason I decided to slip through the “forest” you could call it, more like a row of trees along the creek heading back to my house. Why I decided to run along there, I don’t know. Maybe to get out of the rain or something. Whatever made me do so, I was glad that I did. I was almost home when my eye caught something gleaming in the creek. Calling me like some hidden force. Slowly I slid my way down the muddy bank to the rocky water edge, and lo and behold what I discovered when I got down there. A silver coin glinting at me from behind a medium, oblong, moss covered rock. Now I know what you’re thinking, oh it’s a nickel or dime, nothing to get excited about. But this coin was noticeably larger than a half-cent piece and had a clover insignia surrounded by three linked circlets on one side and some words I couldn’t quite make out on the other. I studied the coin for some time inquisitive about how it had gotten into the creek. My mind started to drift away from my body, suddenly whirling around to hear a humming sound coming from under the culvert a few yards away from me I had almost forgotten where I was. The faint noise drew me closer, like some unknown force wanted me to venture further. It sounded like that tinkling, rattling noise that a coin makes when you drop it on the sidewalk. Ringing on and on. My feet started to move forward when suddenly realizing that my mom was probably starting to get worried about me. Out popped my cellphone, hunched over as not to get it wet, carefully I dialed the numbers. My mom answered and the words blurted out of my mouth. “The rain bogged me down and that I’ll be home later than I thought.”
She told me to be careful and to hurry back. Into the damp, dark, musty culvert I ventured following the sound as if in a trance. The water was trickling over the rocks at my feet and every step I took created an echo on the concrete grafitied walls that engulfed me in darkness. Stumbling out into the creek on the other side of the culvert, the surroundings didn’t look much different than the side I had just come from. I tried to peer further down the creek, but not seeing much in front of me because of the rain. I ventured further placing my feet carefully on the rocks that dotted the creek edge, so I wouldn’t upset one and have it send me spilling into the water. At this point the rain had become more of a drizzle than of a full on downpour. My Shoulder length hair was starting to dry out back to its normal radiant light brown color. The cool water running off my shoulder length hair onto my broad shoulders then into my glazed hazel/green eyes, before making the almost five and a half foot plummet to the creek bed below. I had to have walked for what seemed to be another hour making very slow time. I felt for the coin inside my pocket and started fumbling it around nervously in my fingers. The trees had started to transform from scrub oak and maple trees into weeping willows and other beautiful greenery that didn’t grow in the area where I lived. The humming was getting closer and louder than ever! I rounded a bend in the stream onto a rocky ledge seventy feet high, where all the water turned a milky blue and glowed softly like fireflies in the evening dusk. My eyes gawked at the sight of the vast Hidden haven of a valley, laden with colorful prairie flowers that smelled like honey dew and buttermilk and towering trees that stood lining the valley. Surrounded on either side by majestic mountains. Grass was so lush and green and sun streamed its crystal light beams into the valley making the landscape seem warm and inviting. My body snapped to it senses just in time to catch footing, or else I would have tumbled headfirst over the massive waterfall. Scanning the surrounding landscape to find the best way down from the spot where I was perched I found an ancient cobble stone path and carefully shimmied my way down, stopping occasionally to look at the scenery. My feet floated gently on the soft clovers at the bottom of the rock ledge and suddenly I herd a voice. My body swerved around to see whom it was, but all my eyes saw was a large carved rock with the same insignia that was on my coin. I heard the coins sound once again, I had been so busy looking at the scenery that my ears hadn’t even noticed the humming again until now. I sauntered over to the stone and held my coin up to it, suddenly a ray of light bolted out from behind a cloud and pierced my coin directly in the center. Miraculously the stone and my coin began to glow. The light started out as a pale blue at first, then the rings became engulfed in gold and sizzled like the morning sun and the clover turned brighter green than the grass of the valley. My mind began to whirl as I exchanged my clothes from skate shoes a T-shirt and jeans into light brown trousers with a cream white blouse that tied with a red sash at my waist and leather boots with the clover insignia on them. My hair pulled back tight into a short French braid. When my mind returned to me I was stunned at what had just happened. Then realizing that the voice I heard was calling my name. “Kyrie……Kyrie.” I leaped behind the rock and to my amazement found myself face to face with a leprechaun
“No need to give me a scare lass.” He said with a thick accent. “Oh I see you found the coin, very lucky you are to find one of the seven treasures, luck you are. No one has found one of them in a long time.”
“Seven treasures?” I asked.
“Yes what you hold in your hands is one of the seven treasures, now I bet you’re off to find the magic pebble aren’t ye? Well of course ye are. Oh and I see you made the transformation easily, you are gifted. Well I best be leavin’ ya, Good luck!”
“Wait what transformation?” I stuttered but he was already off. I was left crouching behind the rock wondering, pondering; just what was that second treasure? Well I wanted to find out. I gazed around the rock to see if anyone had seen what had just happened and again I was alone. “Well” I said sarcastically to my coin “off we go.” I meandered down the cobble stone path toward the pale purple and pink sun setting low over the trees on the horizon, searching for some one who could help me with my amazing new find and what I didn’t yet know to be the adventure of a lifetime.
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