Like when he calls or I call him and I hear him talk I just smile. I can't help myself. He makes me so happy and he does everything right. Zak's so sweet and caring and is an amazing boyfriend who I hope to stay with forever. Another amazing thing about him is he's doing the best I've ever seen a guy do in a relationship and he's never had experience with it before. He can teach men around the world a lesson.
Zak's a one of a kind guy and I'm the luckiest girl in the world for getting him. Life is just so much sweeter with him in it and I couldn't imagine it any other way (Excluding going into the past which SUCKS! My past...not a good time. But now that Zak's in my life everything is just brighter and my depression never gets really bad because he always is making me happy again.)
Honey, the comment you left in my last have no idea how much that means to me. You're the first one to ever say that and it makes me feel so much better. I love you so much and would never want you to switch places with me because then you'd be a guy I didn't fall in love with but it still shows me how much you care.
EDIT (2:05): Oh dear god rofl My ex is a f**! He can't even be creative. He's got the same song on his profile as I do. He's a stalker. That's ******** creepy! Sorry I had to add that. I started laughing when I looked at his profile.

Total Value: 233,400 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Heart of Gold
Labu Necklace
Winter Rose
Western Zodiac
Winter Rose
Felicia's Gloves
Wedding Doves And Ribbons
Blushing Bride's Veil
Blushing Bride's Embroidered Skirt
Blushing Bride's Embroidered Bodice
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