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it was a very cold and sunny day out side once and i was yet a tiny litte girl who had just a small kitten itself.on that day it was christmas did i know? NO.did i care?......... maybe. The kitten i had was a gift from my grand ma ma who was very very very very very very old and snored a lot. My grand ma ma was such a nice woman and cared about me a lot. But her givven me a kitten was a mistake such a sad sad sad terrible mistake. that day i lost 2 very pretty sharp teeth and i bit people wit them but that important.That day when i saw the cat i thought of such a wonderful and beutiful and such a creative name 2 call her.I called her catty (brilliant wont u say) . one day (2 days after christmas) i had been playing with all my gifts a stuffed bear and my beautiful catty. But when i was playing with some how catty got wet.How u say because i was such a bad girl i had dicided 2 give catty a bath.WHERE u ask well in the toilot.Scince me and my cat played so much she got so dirty including me. At that moment i grabed poor lil catty by the tail and carried her out to the bathroom.I opened the toilot swung catty over the soilot and dropped her into the toilot.There i saw catty floating around in the clear toilot water helpless wet and abused.Catty did not like it 1 bit so she was ready 2 jump out the toilot and attack me.But right at that moment that she had i grabed some soap threw it in the toilot and closed catty's only way to excape. I CLOSED THE TOILOT SEAT.Thats not the only thing that happend as soon as i closed the seat i flushed the toilot.Hearing the sceams of my poor poor catty.After the toilot flushed i opened the toilot.And u kno what i saw.... catty almost down the drain half awake and half k.o .The poor thing was helpless and did not want to be touched ever again.But did that stop me no not at all.I picked catty up thinking she was ok.Scince she was so wet i had an even better idea of drying her off .I thought it would wake her up and dry her off but did it?NO.My perfect plan that i knew for sure would work was 2 put her in the microwave.Then i was off carrying catty off to my kichen by the tail again.I layed catty down carefully (by carefully i mean i threw her in). I set it on high for 300 minutes .I waited and waited and waited untill (beep beep beep) the timer set off.And do u kno wat i saw.It was such a harrible site.There it was my poor puffy red and bloody cat in my microwave.SHE was so hot and so puffy i had grabbed her tail and rushed outside into the lawn.I threw catty dramaticly onto the ground.The reason y i did this is because i wanted her 2 cool off in the cool breeze of the beautiful sun set.i waited and waited and waited untill i cant wait no more.I ran back inside the house neglecting my poor poor catty. When my mom found me in my room playing with only ny teddy she wondered what happend 2 catty.It was late at night and my mom was so wonderous about what happend to catty that she came in my room and sat next 2 me on my bed and asked "where is catty darling"
then my mouth widend with my eyes and i had forgot that i forgot catty still on the lawn.i had ran out of bed and rand out the door with my mom straggling behind me. i raced into the lawn and there, there was catty stone dead on my snowy but soft grass. i showed my mom and my mom was shocked 2 days after christmas and 1 presant from my very very very very very old grandmama is now gone forever.The next day at catty's
funural my mom thought it was a terrible thing that catty died but i still thought catty was alive and she was going to cat summer camp.But no it was nothing like that .Nothing like that at all.After that day i would not want any more cats as my pet and so did mother.So the next day my very very very very very very old grandmama got me a bunny named bun bun.............. and that story did not turn out pretty.Not pretty at all.

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