wow!!!! today was very interesting! everything was going well, until 7th period came. (i finnally told sr how i felt about her) sweatdrop hehe. anyways after being all mad, and feeling horrible my friend ash and i took 8 others kids and went to the park!!! that was sooo much fun. i did flips on bars, and was really hyper whee blaugh . my sister then got stuck in a tree and it took about 10 mins just to help her get out, (shes a big FAT CHICKEN) lolz. ash and i then played around the world with a basketball. i won 1 out of 3 times. we then did bets and everything. now i have to watch sweeny tod with her. im sad because i really wanted that sandwhich emo ...... i guess u cant have everything mrgreen . anyways i was thinking, even if nothing is going right for u, and ur having a rough time. even thinking just the small positives things will boost up ur spirits!!!! im glad to say im back to my happy usuall all around self!!!! mrgreen
and terry i FORGIVE U!!!!!
by the way how can i not??? mrgreen
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I believe in Jesus Christ,my Savior.If you do too,and arent scared to admit it,then copy and paste this into your sig!
Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.

Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.

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