__As life was thought to exist in a world full of light, water, waning oxygen, and many colors from many plants and animals, life did not exist.
__The world I speak of is the third planet of the Sun's solar system of the spiral galaxy named Milkyway, by its latter inhabitants, of course.
__This world was once a wonderous planet of those things spoken of earlier in this summary. It once contained flora and fauna of earthlike descent. In fact, it was of "Earth's" descent.
__Now, as it is many eons since the existence of mammalian creatures called "humans" that controlled this planet before in the later phenozoic eon, called the cenozoic era, and ceased to exist in the antihydrioc era because of loss of all oxygen, caused by chemicals they called "smog" from buildings they called "factories", and loss of all, or most, hydrogen oxide (water), caused by overpopulation of the planet.
__The planet was only a few hundred eons old and "Earth" was destroyed. This, too, was caused by "Humans" because of their wondrous art of making objects that could destroy many places and things on this (up to their max of 3 million units of "Human" measurement) on this planet. This art was called WAR. The "Humans" also had a trait passed down from the centuries of their anscestors to them that is indescribable in one word. This trait was the need for death and violence and hate.
__Now, this concludes our lesson for today, I hope you have copied the notes on the board. Any questions, children? Yes, Hern?
---Why do we not have this feeling?
__Now, Hern, don't your parents teach you anything, silly? The reason is because our scientists have learned from these simple mammals that we do not need some of our hormones and parts of our brain that hunger for these horrible feelings, so they remove them at birth.
---But, why did this planet die?
__Hern, that is a very good question. Let's see if any of the students know the answer to that one. . . Yes?
>>Sir, the planet was destroyed by a war brought upon by the Eastern Hemisphere of the planet's inhabitants. The Western Hemisphere's people launched what was called a "Nuke" and ended all life on "Earth" in one quick shower that decimated the planet's ozone and set the atmosphere to flames.
__Correct. Is that all children?
---Sir, I have one more question. Why do we not have any photon graphs to see them or electronographs to watch their movements?
__That is because -*bell rings*-uh, well class, we will have to wait until next class to hear the answer to that one. Class dimissed.
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