I will put all my roleplay character's in my journal, so i wont forget them. O:
My name is: mikuru
I am: 18 Years of age.
I have a horrible reflection..

I like: I enjoy playing sports, and i love walking around outdoor's.I also like catnip.I like to write music, and i love to dance and draw.
Im good at: Singing,dancing,Drawing,I can waitress, gaurd, and be a maid.
Thing's i dislike: Ohh!I just hate people that hit on me!It offends me!.I hate tomato's, and music i cant understand.I hate dirty minded people, And i dont like clowns.
My race is: Neko.
My weaopon is: a 50.Cal.pistol.
My weapon is hidden: on my left thigh.
My past.:Mom and dad finaly were ready for me to leave when i was eighteen.I cant blame them, i caused to much chao's around the house, with the dog's..So i ended up where i am today!I may not be a super star but im still proud.
My name is:Nia
I am 14 years of age.
Im an overly hyperactive girl, Who was in an orphanage because my parents couldnt take my hyperness at times.
Im one medicine now.
Im not the prettiest,

Im very clumsy and i tend to hurtmyself alot..
Im good at: Singing really fast!Im able to understand animals, for the fact you will understand it later.
Im a neko/Wolf.
My mother was a neko, leaving the wolf to be my father.
I have a very horrible mind when it comes to someone making me mad.I want to take over the world! with bananas!
I am a neko! and i can speak the language of animals.
Anyways, Thats my long story!
My name is :Haley
Call me mew.
Im 16.
And im not beautiful.

Im a neko.
Im not the nicest girl on earth.
You probaly wouldnt like to bother me that much, because i'd probaly beat you upside the head with my bare fists.
My past:
My parents died tragicly.I was taken, and my life was twisted.Now im on my own, with a job hopefully,and i might get a new life..
Im good at: Not much..
My name is :Lilla.
Im age 15.
My race i bunny, and im proud.
Tell me, am i pretty?

Im homeschooled and i dont usally do to great with my work.
I like: Bunny's! birds. People that dont litter.
Im good at: I can waitress, and sing.
I dislike: People that dont care for the earth!Cats, dogs, foxes..
My past: It isnt horrible.My parent's sent me to live with my grandma, but i got lost on the way there in a reck.The buss recked and i never made it to grandma's because i had no idea where to go.
My name is :Millia
I am 19
i like razz eople who dont pay alot attention to what i look like, more to my personality.
I dislike razz eople that annoy me.
Im good at; waitressing and bartending.
Im bad at:Being nice to people.
About me:Im on my own, and im not the nicest person ever.It takes a while for me to warm up to someone and say 'friends.'.
Im not perfect.

My weapon is a great amount of speed, and a large pole, that stands as tall as me.
My name is aya
I am 14.
I am a wolf demon.
I like: food!I love sugary things, and i like cats!They make great friends.
I dislike:Hunters, and mean animal haters.
Im cute!

I am so talented!: I can sing dance, and do tricks like climbing walls!
My name is liya
I am 13.
I am a wolf demon.
I like:Sleep.
I dislike:Sunlight.
I usally sleep all the time, but i can: cook very good.
Im not the prettiest puppy.

About me: I live along with my parent's until they got into a fight and split up, and i then ran away because i was being brought into it.
My name is : Polly
My age is:
My race is:bear.
Im furry..

I like: Time alone.
I dislike: Being a bear.I think i waddle a little.
I have split personalitys.
About me: My parent's were lost in a title wave in the middle of south dakota!(Jk o.o) My parents were lost in a title wave when we were visiting a beach and ever since, ive traveled alone.
Thats itt O:
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