Age: 15
Bio: After he was born his parents threw him into an orphanage with out giving him a name the people at the orphanage didn't care so they didn't give him one either. While they every ridiculed and made fun of him along with beat him. The owners did not feed him so he had to fight the rats for food. While there he discovered that he could see and talk to the dead. At the age of 10 he ran away to g to boarding school to boarding school. Each school he went to allowed him to attend their classes but would not give him a place to stay so thus he lives on the streets. But still where ever he goes every one wants to beat him to a pulp, so thus this has left his entire body scared. So now he tries to stay hidden so that no one will beat him, but he knows how to fight but also Knows that in doing so more people would come to beat him. He is cursed for he can only cry tears of blood so he doesn't cry. His major scars are, the one across his left eye and the one around the center of his neck. His left pinky toe and part of his right earlob were bitin off by dogs.
Appearance: Like this but no blonde streak and brown eyes and a few scars across his face and hands

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