But..I always want to be red. Red is your blood, your blood is your heart, your heart is your life..for me.
The color of anger. The symbol of determination.
Actually..I always want to rip my stains off my heart.
I want to stand up with an anger and shut up all the people around me!
For some reason..I always be white..
I keep quiet. I am kept quiet..
I always lost in the white with my black stains which are couldn’t be seen by anyone..
In the colorfulness thousands of people around me
I always be like them and also far away them..
I always be black in extremly white..
In that lot of things I always be a tear which colorless.
A black that I can’t throw away from my heart..a feeling..
The truth that I am different everyone..far away from everyone..
A space which can’t be held on..
A silence which is always existed in my life..