What your Zodiac sign say about you? |
Dear Life Note, What your Zodiac sign say about you? Find your sign and see what it says.
*aries *tarus *gemini *cancer *leo *virgo *libra *scorpio *sagittarius *capricorn *aquarius *pisces
*aries-a fire sign represented by the ram, aries symbolizes assertiveness and an ability 2 climb 2 great heights. arians r very courageous and can be described as natural leaders. however, they have less desirable traits as well including selfishness, impatience and a quick temper.
*tarus-an earth sign represented by the bull, taurus symbolizes both stubbornness and gentleness. taureans r reliable, loving, patient and determined people won over through emotions rather than by reason. they can also be jealous, possessive and resentful, with a nature (both positive and negative) that is very difficult 2 change.
*gemini-an air sign represented by the twins, gemini symbolizes duality and an ability 2 communicate well with others. gemini r very versatile and responsive 2 those around them. however, as with all of us, they have less desirable traits as well including tension, nosiness and superficiality.
*cancer-a water sign represented by the crab, cancer symbolizes imagination and affection protected by a harsher outer core. cancers r intuitive, loving and sympathetic, but tend 2 keep these traits hidden, which at times leads 2 their underappreciation. they also have less admirable traits including moodiness and an inability 2 let go of things.
*leo-a fire sign represented by the lion, leo symbolizes bravery and pride. leos r generous, warm-hearted, faithful and intuitive. but they also have traits that r 2 their disadvantage, including their tendencies 2 be pompous, 2 interfere and 2 be intolerant of others.
*virgo-an earth sign represented by the virgin, virgo symbolizes purity and modesty. virgos r shy, meticulous, reliable, diligent and analytical. as do the other zodiacs, they also possess less appealing traits: they tend 2 be overcritical, harsh, fussy and perfectionistic.
*libra-an air sign represented by the scales, libra symbolizes balance, order and justice. librans r diplomatic, easy-going, social people who always promote good will and friendship. they're also more artistic than people of any other sign. some less appealing traits include indecision and self-indulgence.
*scorpio-a water sign represented by the scorpion, scorpio symbolize intense power and passion. scorpios r forceful, emotional, confident and intuitive. the most intense of the zodiacs, they may also become extremely jealous, obsessive, compulsive and resentful, which at times leads them 2 seek revenge.
*sagittarius-a fire sign represented by the archer, sagittarius symbolizes directedness and high aims. sagittarians r optimistic, straightforward and intellectual. however, they can also be careless, irresponsible and tactless.
*capricorn-an earth sign represented by the goat, capricorn symbolizes the ability 2 take advantage of situations that can move one up in the world. capricorns r practical, ambitious, disciplined and humorous. however, they also possess less appealing traits which lead them 2 be pessimistic, miserly and rigid.
*aquarius-an air sign represented by the waterbearer, aquarius symbolizes an ability 2 give equally 2 all. aquarians r very friendly, outgoing and people-oriented. however, as with all of us, they have less desirable traits as well including unpredictability and detachment.
*pisces-a water sign represented by two fish, pisces symbolizes intense optimism. pisceans r imaginative, kind and sensitive, but can also carry the traits of escapism, idealism and a weak will.
rofl 4laugh biggrin cool smile
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splashdream14 · Fri Mar 14, 2008 @ 08:17pm · 0 Comments |