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A Dark Garden
Much like the old secret garden, this place is locked from view, except by those with a special key. In there, memories are kept fresh as flowers bloom under a crescent moon...
Another Naoki pic has burned itself off the list! One more, and I'll finally be ready to post. This last one is one of the hardest, though, because it's her festival pic. The list is updated, though notice that I've eliminated the pictures of Mura's pet. I can't draw animals well, and foxes are really hard, so I cut it out. I have to redraw Mura's adult pictures because her current ones look really bad, as does one of her toddler pictures, so that one is also being redone. Then I'll scan them and work on them. However, it is going to be a while. Once I finish Naoki's childhood pictures, I'm going to work on my fanfiction for a little while.

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