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~Random Thoughts~
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Bon Jovi
I'd kill to get tickets to a Bon Jovi concert. Even though my guitar teacher has connections, even his connections say it'll be SOOOOO hard to get them. crying And I'm desperate to get some of his albums...god, what kind of fan doesn't have his CDs?!?!?

So last night, I was watching this thing on PBS about '60s music, and they had Iron Butterfly play "In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida" live. I love that song, and I was headbanging and totally rocking out. Then they showed a couple that were about 40+ in the crowd, and they were headbanging. I started laughing, because they looked so out of place! But I totally understand what it was like for them. I wonder if it was like Woodstock all over again.... xd

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