Age: 526
Race: Vampire
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
Bio: Deryck was born in 1482 in Tarragona, Spain. He had lived a simple life as a baker's son, and had never gone out of his way to cause trouble. However, in 1507, everything changed. One evening on his way back from delivering some fresh baked goods to a client, he was attacked by a pair of enormous men and dragged off into a back street. A woman appeared, smiling at him and telling him things would be better.
This is where he was turned.
He had been thrown into a void of darkness, for what seemed like years, feeling his humanity trickle away, replaced with a feral insanity which only grew stronger. When he was finally able to open his eyes once more, he was surrounded by earth. His new instincts demanded that he dig his way out. So, he did, if only to stamp out the voice hissing in his ear.
When he reached the surface, a woman called to him. He felt compelled to obey her, even though she told him to drink from the man he recognized as his best friend.
Disgusted with himself, Deryck fled to New Spain, across the ocean. He was sure that his 'Mistress' would never be able to find him there.