age: 19

speicies: elf
Bio: Kelsei was born in an enchanted forest and was left as a orphan from a dark angel attack. She was on her own since she was 10.
Name: Bena
Age: 13

Bio: She may appear to be a normal human, but her father, Ryan(AKA: Oz), made her a cross(vamp/werewolf). She was turned a cross when her and her father got into a fihgt. Now she has the same curse as her father and she sets out to find her birthmother, a vampire countess.
Name: Mica
Age: 19

Bio: Mica can be quiet, but when she gets mad because someone is hurting her friends, she can get mad and dramatic.
Name: Mikey
Age: 20

Bio: Mikey is the next heir to his clan's throne. His parents sent him to find someone to marry, so he can take over his clan
Mikeys Dragon
Name: Kineu
Age: couple thousand years old

Name: Jay
Age: couple thousand