How do we live? -not poetry- |

How do we live? I don't understand how our bodies move and yet there is no motive to do it. If you were to put together a body using parts (ukky idea), why wouldn't it move? How are we living? There's no electricity, no nothing....were just there...living, breathing,talking? Ive thought about this for a while and considered what I think is everything.. I thought, maybe it's the blood pulsing through us, but if you do the same with a corpse and make blood run through it, it still wouldn't be alive. So then I think, the organs maybe? But same thing again...After all the little details, my thoughts led me to the brain. If this is the control center of the whole body, then what controls this? It's all quite baffling to me. Maybe i'm asking the DUMBEST question in the world, but I just don't get it.
The only explanation I could think up is a soul. Our bodies have souls that animate us and give us our lifeforce. Which then leads all the way back to Adam and Eve (which i do not feel like writing a what would seem like a novel about my concepts on that particular subject this moment, so i'll try and make that brief). "God" (don't ask me about my beliefs on god either....i doubt his/her(their) existence =/) had originally planned for (if i am to believe correctly) humans to live for an eternity....but then Eve had eaten an apple from one of god's trees which were off limits and lost her immortality, thus losing immortality for all of her offspring. Since "god" had wanted humans to be immortal, it'd make sense for him to make our souls be immortal too so as to support us through our exsistence, But since Eve broke the rules our bodies began to die as soon as they were made...Our souls however stayed immortal.
Since our souls stayed immortal, a human body could not support it through the ages since it was slowing dying off. Our bodies and souls were to be united as one, but after we began to die they disconnected, only supporting each other. As the soul is in the human body, it is draining the life out of it because there is an imbalance of power, the soul being more powerful then the diminishing body. And so our bodies die when our soul can no longer drain any life from it, leaving the soul to search for a new vessel.
Wow, I got really off topic I think XD.....maybe im COMPLETELY wrong about all this (lol...most likely, but its just a theory so don't get your ideals and beliefs all in a tizzy cuz of what i say) but this is the only thing I can possibly think of that would explain how our bodies are actually "alive" when there's nothing to fuel them but what? food? water? those keep our organs alive to help us live longer, but "food" isnt the source of our power...atleast i hope not, cuz that'd suck XD
I wonder about other gods too as well now. Not every god wanted humans to survive so if thats true, then perhaps souls dont matter...gah more thinking lol good thing i enjoy this
I feel I should say more, but im just going to leave this topic open for commenting =3
Thats the end of my theory..... I only wrote this cuz i didnt want to forget it =3
P.S. I dunno if this is a question or not but just my idea on the subject...sooo..yeah XD lol w/e
Mearcyn · Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 05:33am · 0 Comments |