Finally!! I have some time to write in this thing. I've always told myself, Ben, you're going to write in this journal and you're going to like it. But days turned into months, months turned into years and time just kept on progressing. Well, what do I have to say? I guess I'll start with the beginning of school, all the way back to August. Lol. xp
In August, I was actually excited to return to school, I know weird right? But when you live in a small town like the one I do, that's the most exciting part of life... school. Now, I was also ecstatic about a few other things such as attempting my first college classes! I'm privileged enough to be part of the selected few that passed the CPT ,otherwise known as, the College Placement Test. For those of you that don't know what the CPT is, it's a test that is designed for "accelerated students", so they can take college courses at the local community college. They test you in the areas of English, Algebra, Arithmetic, and Sentence Skills. You have to meet a certain score to be eligible for a program that the school offers known as Dual Enrollment. Dual Enrollment, is an advanced placement program that lets a high school student earn college credit and at the same time earn high school credit toward their diploma. The real reason that I chose to take this course was because I have the goal of being Salutatorian for the Class of '09. Yes! As of August I am ranked 3rd in the class, which I'm extremely proud of. Especially since this is the most competitive class, we literally have some of the most intelligent kids in the school in this class fighting for the honors of graduating first and second. So being the mischievous tactic that I am, I decided that in order to move up in the ranks I would have to increase my GPA with the college courses. Taking more classes than "her", my competition, should defiantly boost me up in the ranks. I choose General Psychology and Composition 1 because I love science, especially social science and I'm a role-player so writing is a way I relieve stress and reflect my ideas on paper. Thing is, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I'll also add in that I am part of Student Council, A-team, FCCLA, Science Club, Beta Club, National Honor Society, and Spanish Club. Blah! You know I have a heavy plate on my shoulders!! That's why I call myself a glutton, I take in more with my eyes that what I can actually do!! Dang.... the things I do for success.
Like I said earlier I had taken all these classes, which was so much more than I could do. My schedule became hectic. In fact, I think I’m going to list them and give a brief explanation about the course and the teacher. I hope you are interested in this, my best friend in the entire world, I now think of her as my soul-friend did the same thing, so I hope she doesn’t get too mad about using her idea. XD She will, but thank god she doesn’t hold grudges. Then she’d hate me by now…. And I couldn’t live with myself if she hated me.
First I go to Biology Honors, yes sounds easy but it isn’t!!! We have switched teachers about three times this year. First we had Mr. Harris, who was a strange man. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with him but I had a solid A in his class so I didn’t care. Soon he left and we had the most vile and strictest of all the teachers in the school take over for him for about three or four weeks. Test after test, work after work, this man wouldn’t stop, and the worst thing about it is that this teacher is my favorite!! Go figure, I must be a glutton for punishment. Well he was an alright fellow but the tests were pretty difficult. Those four weeks I read like no one had read before. The tests were no joke and were rigorous as a mother freaker. But thank god that only lasted for four weeks and when the next semester started we had a new teacher!! Mr. Koetje!! Pronounced Mr. Coochie!! You know we had a good laugh from that. Mr. Koetje is a young teacher, he’s funny and a is as tall as a skyscraper, being at a height of 6’4! Four inches taller than me!! Damn him. But I actually do enjoy his class and he’s an awesome person.
Second class I have is English III Honors which is instructed by Mr. Hutchison. Not really much to say about him except that he’s the drama coach. Although he is a bit feminine no one is really sure about his sexual orientation. He is a pretty lax guy that seems to enjoy the simple things in life. His class is mostly about reading literature and writing in our journals, so not really intimidated by that class. Especially since he seems like the kind of guy that will help you get the grade you deserve. Or not deserve, lol, my friend isn’t fond of him and I know why but I’m alright. As long as he doesn’t mess with me then I have nothing to say about him.
Third period, this class is one of my study halls, but I’m supposedly suppose to be doing my FLVS. Florida Virtual School, I’m currently taking American Government online and it’s pretty decent. Although I hate the stupid collaboration assignments I can speed through this class and have some extra time my Senior Year to do some college courses.
Fourth period, is my Algebra 2 Honors class, and my teacher is Mrs. Moss. I really don't know what to say about her. She has a unique teaching style that didn't work for me the during Algebra 1 Honors but this year she teamed up with Mrs. Hamilton and has actually become a pretty decent teacher. At least, I can understand what she is trying to say and can do my math homework. This has to be my most challenging class because it's my weakest subject. I absolutely hate math, but I try my best to get a steady A in that class. Hopefully, my hard work will pay off! Well she must be good since she won teacher of the year for 2008.
Fifth period is American History Honors, there isn't much to say about this class except that it's a breeze. History is easy for me since it's only a memorization of dates and different events so no big deal here. Who said this, how said that? I'll most likely know it. In this class our teacher is Mr. Bond, he's son of Mrs. Bond and it is very obvious. But yeah, he makes the class easy and lets us do our own thing, although he still makes us read that freakin' boring book he does give us the overview of what is happening in that moment in time.
After Fifth period I'm free to go home and do as I please, but now my college classes and after school classes take a hold of my schedule.
Physics Honors- This course wasn't offered this year but because my friend and I insisted that they offer the class our kind teacher decided to offer the course after school. We typically stay Thursdays and Fridays after school for this course and it goes from 3-5, sometimes even more depending on how long we take to complete the assignments. But yeah, it awesome and it's so fun, there are benefits for a small class! We learn more and we don't have the constant stress on our shoulders... I just wish he taught Astronomy... I would love to take another course with Mr. Seemuth. He's my mentor and my guide. I wanna be just like him when I grow up, a sophisticated and important man that enjoys life to the fullest! That's my idol and that's the person I look up to. He's my favorite teacher, and although he has his quirks he has the knowledge of the world in his finger tips.
Psychology- Woah, this has to be the best college course I have ever taken. My teacher is the most kind, most benevolent, most gracious, woman on this globe! She totally shattered my illusions of what college would be and has taught me so much about not only my mind but my body. She's so insightful, she knows so much and is a master at what she does. I really enjoy her classes, and although I might be a little thorn at her side, she just smiles and helps me out with anything I might need help in. This class might have been hard but I completed with an A and I learned so much by reading the book and listening to Mrs. McLymont.
Composition 1- What can I say.... I wasn't ready for this course.... It was more difficult that I had in mind and with everything that I was already doing it was hard to keep up with all my school work and college work. So after two weeks I was forced to drop out, although I found the teacher incredible and so intelligent I couldn't continue. But I swear, I'm going to return to that class one day and get a good grade! But because my goals are in the way I might have to go later in the year, I'm going to have to force myself to take the course in the Spring Semester of '09.
New Year!!! 2008
Economics 1&2- Dang, not Mr. Schiller! Lol, this has been one of my favorite teachers. We practically did nothing in that class but you know what? It was fun. Even though he did make us do some long powerpoint presentation I was glad that I was able to meet this very intricate teacher. As you can probably tell, I got an A for both classes, because that's just how smart I am. ^.^
Human Growth and Development- Again, I had Professor McLymont for a teacher, she is the most sweetest woman ever and I love her to death. She is just so intelligent and so caring and I can't believe that she isn't teaching any summer courses. I just wish she would have taught a summer class. Although the class was rather hard and more difficult that I expected I still persevered and achieved an A in the class. I was just so happy! One step closer in defeating my enemy! Although Shelbi is really, sweet and really nice she is the only thing that stands in my way of becoming Salutatorian.
Well after finishing my college classes in April I decided on a new goal for myself. Get your AA while the high school pays for everything. As I made this decision I soon came to realize that I would have to get forty eight credits in a matter of less than a year. So I decided to take three classes this summer. Two A semester Courses and one full semester.
World Civilizations 1814 to Present- This is my first college history class and my professor is an old man named Professor Robert Sitta. He is a very intelligent and he's an outstanding man. He is so intelligent and with only a few notes explains out entire textbooks in a matter of words. Although the class does last forever he does make it possible for us to understand and learn in an interactive way. Something that I find very impressive in a teacher. I just recently finished that class and earned myself a solid A! I'm just awesome like that, I know!
Man/ Environment- I took this class with Professor Laser, a adjunct professor, who also works at FGCU, the local university in Southwest Florida. He was a strange man because of his old age, he had a lot of comments on race and it was hard to decided if he was being honest or just being a racist. But either way, he was a fun professor to have and I enjoyed his class. I, of course, was the smartest student in that class knowing most of the information. I was taking a friend of mine to this class and although she did work harder than me in many instances she would have to cheat in order to get a good grade. It made me be disappointed in her but whatever, that's not my concern anymore. This class consisted mostly of science and how the environment is affected by different factors. The field trips were fun and over all it was a good experience.
Art Appreciation- An elective course, but a hard one. This art appreciation course was more like "Art History". It was difficult because we had a quiz every day on the reading that she would do. It was crazy because the teacher would just chose minuscule details of the assigned reading and expect us to remember everything. This was hard because not only was I always short for time because of everything I was doing but it got me nervous, which meant that whatever I read didn't stay in my brain. But over all I did well in this course, I received an A and I was happy to learn so much of the world of Art.
Micro Computer Skills - The heathen of all heathens, this class was supposedly an easy "course". I entailed using Microsoft processor such as word, excel, access, and intergrated. I was told that this class was simple, easy, and nothing to worry about. But as a B semester course this class was hell! I was already taking another class at the time I was taking this one! The stuck a years work into that ********' class and I didn't sleep for days! I fought hard trying to get all my work in on time. With coffee at my side I soon became an addict and had to work incredibly hard to finish the course. In many instances my computer broke down and I couldn't continue. I was mad, flustered, confused.... this was my worse experience in college so far. Never take online computer class for the B semester!!! I received my first B in college.
World Civilization: Dawn of Man to 1500= I took another of Mr. Robert Sitta's class this summer. It was one of my favorite classes because I love learning about the ancient world. The Greeks, Romans, Etruscans, Alexander, Argon the Great, everything that I learned in that class was so fundamental. We went in depth a bit but overall it was an easy A. In this class I made a good friend named Cynthia. She's a crazy, hyperactive girl, but she's funny and intricate. She is intelligent in the sense that she tries really hard in her work and enjoys challenging herself. It was fun at the beginning because she was trying to suck up to the teacher so bad. Lol.
That's the end of my 11th grade year. Through turmoil, heartache, pain, sweat and loss I was able to live through it! I did everything that I set out to do and was able to accomplish it all! Now my twelfth grade year! Will I be the Salutatorian? Will I get my AA? Will I have a good year? Who knows? Only time will tell!
Fill you in later!
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