Title: Tetra Hyrule Score: 7.6337 Total Ratings: 444 Total Comments: 135 Rank: 190
Description: In honor of the newest Zelda game Zelda Phantom Hourglass and me beating it 100% I have entered this avatar likeness of Tetra, AKA Princess Zelda. This is also a challenge between me and Pirate Captain Tetra over who has the best Tetra Cos-play. May the best pirate win!
Keywords: Zelda, Phantom, Hourglass, Tetra, Hyrule, Pirate, Cosplay,
New Highest Rank! Yes I've beat my personal best and got into the top 200. Thank you everyone for thinking I was better than somebody else!
Mirror of Twilight
Mirror of Twilight · Tue Feb 26, 2008 @ 12:20am · 0 Comments |