race: Nobody

Favorite color: Red,Blue,and Black
Favorite food: Anything Spicy
best friends: Zexion,Roxas,Demyx,and Pocky
Boyfriend: Axel
Attitude: Aqua is a spunky,hyper,kick a** a**
Abilitys: Aqua is a witch that can do almost anything magic wise,she also has the ability to teleport.Aqua also has a staff with a red and blue orb on the top.
Pets: Pocky
Gender: Boy
Attacks: bites and poisons
pocky's apperance:

Pocky is Aqua's best friend given to her by Axel.Pocky always trys to help Aqua make good decisions even though she doesn't listen.
Aqua often summons Pocky to aid her in battle or just to help out and cheer her on.Pocky is a weak fighter that bites his enemys and poisons them.
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