T_Y (<-that WAS on purpose) I feel so left out on both sides of teh worldy world... meow... xd nothing, nothing... xd somethings' funny all of a sudden... Wait... I think I hear ppl... Oh, wait... they're all gone, out of my sight... Even in the sea of ppl, Im still very lonely... ppl are evil... hurting feelings of other humans and torturing the beasts of the heavens and earth...
 The fallen angels all weep and cry...
 For humankind... will vanish in a blink of an eye... Only lighted up screens and animated pictures all connect us together... yet.... somethings wrong... oh, so, very wrong....but what?
 find out the meaning if you can
 random pic btw
damiaez1042 · Fri Feb 15, 2008 @ 04:35pm · 2 Comments |