❀:___________|About Me
Name:Jen Kitty Lin
Birthday:July 8th
Race/Species:Shapeshifting Daemon - Mostly in Humanoid- Cat form
❀:___________|My image.
Extra Images:{x}{x}{x}
Weight:Heavy enough.
Height:5' even.
Eye color:Teal with Flame in middle.
Hair color:Orangey-red long straight hair that reaches past her bum.
❀:___________|In the Past.
Personality:Nice, but slightly dominating. Mother-like concern for others.
Life story:Born and raised in the country of Ireland. She spent countless years in schools of both magic and academics. She was close to her family until they were killed by her teacher. Really sad story, her teacher was obsessed with her mother and got too close when her father, a local blacksmith, stepped in and the expert magician killed him with a blade. (Go figure) She killed him after he got to her mother but he cursed her with his last breath. The curse caused her body to not be susceptible to natural death or illness. In short, she's immortal now and can't remember when she was born. She's existed in and out of various societies, disappearing when she got too stressed. She's crossed over continents and decided to stop by for a few years.
Likes:Strawberries, (most recently) anime, African art, most everyone.
Dislikes:Pricks, Racists, Egotistical people, Rhubarb and Vegetable Jello.
❀:___________|Nick nacks.
Talents:Predicting people's actions, can sing, and can speak multiple languages.
Crush:Currently dating a young man.
Theme Song:Life's a Dance - John Michael Montgomery
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