And Alrial waited........and waited..........and waited. Well gosh darn it if something's going to happen dang it happen she yelled in thought. The priest was still kneeled down praying some mantra. Strangely Alrail heard something about "too young to die" hehe not really!and something about virginity.....whoa, don't want to know about that!!! Alrial Thought.
Than in the trees. There was movement. Alrial stiffened in anticipation of a gigantic flesh eating creature......

A tiny squirrel came out of the brush of the tree.
"Aieeeeeeee!!!!!!!!"yelped the priest cowering on his knees shaking.
Alrial kicked "Oh brother its just a squirrel, you old coot. Hello little fella come here." she directed to the little squirrel. "I'm not gonna hurt you."
Out of nowhere it hissed. Alrial jumped back. She looked around, to her terror they were now surrounded by little vicious squirrels. And it hit her............They were the flesh eaters, and they had nowhere to go.