Full name: Sylvano Selrien Race: Elven Age: Approx. 670 Sexuality: Whatever
He's a werewolf, but he prefers to call himself a lycan (just another word for it.) Tall and slender, he reaches to 6'4" tall. His red eyes, wolf ears, tail, and pointed teeth mark him as a lycan. He looks very similar to Falanos. If the two weren’t talking, you couldn’t tell them apart. Even then some have difficulty. He's of typical build for an elf, muscular, but not too much. He's actually pretty attractive, or so people say.
His big distinguishing separations from Falanos are their personalities and how they dress. Sylvano’s personality is much more dynamic. He appears to have rapid mood swings, and is usually happy. Betray him, and... just don’t. More on that later. He usually dresses in long robes, usually heavily enchanted with dark magic. He wears a mask occasionally. (See: Jack)
Being an elf, he’s especially adept at magic. He’s good. Scary good. Also vampires love his blood and any other part of him… (flesh, etc.) He’s also good at close combat and very agile.
--Jack-------------------------------------------- During his life, he came to be known as Jack. He established a name for himself as a famous mass murderer under the cover of mask and spell. His spells mainly focus on fear and incapacitation, before a slow and painful death. He killed entire masses this way. He still reverts to this persona when he gets mad.
His mask is a powerful object. By running magic power through it, he can create a powerful effect, capable of scaring even the most hardened warriors.
His minion, ”Garru’dah,” or simplified, Garruda, is “…a cloaked creature…[with] six spiderlike appendages with sharp, serrated inner edges. It [wears] a black, ragged cloak which [gives] off [ethereal black fog] at the bottom and inside the hood, hiding its face.” ---------------------------------------------------
--Family Relations----------------------------- Ferromar is the father of Antaris. It’s a very long and unnecessary story. Antaris, never married, had several relationships with women, lost in the annals of time. One of them involved an affair with a woman who was a werewolf, producing Sylvano, Antaris’ only known son. Sylvano got married to a woman by the name of Fiona and they had a son. Shortly afterwards, Fiona divorced him and married his friend, Gregory Karr. Falanos, Sylvano’s son, rejected his new father, hating him every moment he was under his control. At age 17, his new father had tried to cure Falanos and Fiona of their lycanthropy. The process failed, and it ended up being painful and useless. Falanos ran away, seeking refuge in the only place he knew: Grey House. There, he met up with his real family and they embraced him, establishing him among their ranks. ---------------------------------------------------

I was bored, so I drew both of them how I saw them... I suck at drawing, but w/e.
Falanos · Wed Feb 06, 2008 @ 06:00am · 0 Comments |