Blades Edge
by D.M.S.
Characters: Shun Fujiwara

chapter one
Shun sat lazily under a Momiji tree and watched the brilliant coloured leaves dance in the light breeze.Watching the leaves reminded him alot of the world. The leaves worked every minute of their short lives to provide the rest of the tree with food and nourishment. Now it was fall and the tree no longer needed it's leaves and so even after all their hard work the tree had discarded them without so much as a second thought. The samurai had worked so hard to protect the people when the karite had rizen from what could only have been hell. Many had given the bodies and blood for the saftey of the people and now becuase not a single karite had been seen in five years the entire world had deemed the samurai useless and dangerous. So they just like that, even after the blood that was payed for the their sake, the people had turned on the samurai and outlawed them. Fujiwara gently touched the bandages over his eye. The pain had left along with the karite but still he still felt awckward without an eye.
A sudden pain in his stomach snapped him out of his thoughts and back to reality. Reaching down he grabed at his aprently empty stomach. Since he was now banned from every city in any part of the civilized wold he had to catch his own food. Rising to his feet he gathered his things and placed them in his pack. Once his things were packed he turned once again to the still dancing leaves.
" The tree may have forgoten you little leaves," Shun said as again he turned and headed deaper into the woods," but I haven't!"
She ran and ran! she didn't dare stop or take a glance behind her for fear of having to look apon that hidous creatures face again. All she could do was run and hope that she some how got away. She could feel her heart beating hard in her chest as if it too were looking for a way out. suddenly a horrifing screech shattered the air causing her to lose her footing. Not being able to maintain her balance she fell to the ground screaming. She tried to scramble to her feet but was hit with a surge of pain as she tried. She had injured her ankle in the fall. Again she tried to get up but this time on her hands and knees. She continued crawling desperate to find any way out, pain serging through her entire body. Another horriffing screech echoed through the air that again caused her to stop. Slowley she turned her head to gaze upon what she had now determined would be her ultimate end.
The creature moved fast, apearing to glide over the terain rather than touch the ground. It had three horrible lidless eyes surounded in in wrinkled skin. It's mouth filled with razor sharp teeth and soaked in blood. It's claws outstrecthed wide were covered in blood but still retained there shiney luster. Quickly she scrambled to a tree and braced her back against it..
"Help me please, any one help me!" She screamed." Somebody please help!"
She covered her eyes and preparred her for what she thought was to be her demise.
Shun hadn't found anything and his stomach did not aprove. Well ok he had found a very sickley crow and a deer that had seen him before he saw it but nothing edible. He was just considering changing his dinning plans from meat to fruits or vegtables when he heard a scream. His reflexes acted before he could and before he knew it he was heading in the direction of the scream. It had sounded close and from what he could tell it was most likely a female age eighteen to twenty-two. He bounded over the terrain as if it was nothing and continued racing to the sound.
"Help me please, any one help me!" He heard it quite clearly and he was definatley close.
He only had to adjust his path slightly and continue running for a few seconds before he came apon a girl with her eyes covered. He was right, she looked about eighteen to twenty years of age but, he was not here to guess ages. Imdiatley he glanced around for what had been causing the womans distress. At first he was suprised, but his suprise quickly changed to excitement. There rushing towards him was a karite. quickly he adopted his stance and braced for the on coming attack. No sooner had he done so the karite lunged at him. He waited until he could see his reflection in the monsters eyes before he quickly darted to the right and, holding his katana parrallel to the ground, lunged foward driving his blade into the beasts mid section. The karites uper body hit the ground with a thud and screeched as it scrambled to get some sort of stablity without it's lower half. Shun spun around quickley and readopted his stance. The karite used it's arms and lunged foward claws spread apart and ready. Shun again waited until for the precise moment then spun out of the way bringing his katana down right into the karite's neck. The adreniline was amazing to feel again, all his sences so honed and alive. He had almost forgot what the sensation felt like.
However soon he remembered himself and the fact that he had origanally come to the aid of a young woman. He turned and sure enough their she stood propted up against the tree, tears streaming down her face.
She had kept her eyes closed until she heard a that horrifing screech again. She forced herself to open her eyes and at least gaze apon the creature of her demise. However when she opened her eyes she was not gazing into the eyes of a hidious monster. Instead there stood a samurai, she judged by his clothing and weapon, of his earl thirtys. His blade dripping with the creatures blood and he himself so calm and colected. He had sliced the creature into two and the two glared at eachother for what must have been a life time. suddenly the creature lunged and she went to let another scream but the samurai spun with lightning reflexes and lobbed the monster head off. He had saved her from a grotesk death at the hands of that foul beast. Her entire body shook and tears ran down her face as she slowley lifted her slef to her feet. She was being barmbarded with pain from her ankle but she refused to stay down. She proped herself up against the tree and sat starring at the man who had just become aware of her.
"Thank you for saving me." She uttered in no more than a wisper as she bowed. The samurai did not respond instead he truned and began to walk away.
"Excuse me? May I know the name of my hero?" she persisted but still the samurai continued walking," My ankle is hurt please could you help me to my villiage?"
********************************************************************* Shun stopped in his tracks. It would be dihonorable to leave a defencless woman in the forest all by herself and it was against samurai code to commit any dishonor. He turned his head slightly and spoke to the woman.
" I would like to help you get back to your villiage but I'm a samurai and there for I would be killed apon entering your villiage. " he pointed out
" My father is the villiage leader I'm sure he'll welcome you for saving my life. He'll probably be so grateful he'll grant you whatever you desire."
At that moment Shun's stomach spoke out in protest and he grasped his stomch. " Whatever I desire?"
The young lady nodded in agreement and stretched out a hand. He sighed as he walked over and placed her hand over his far shoulder and helped walk. They walked for along time in silence until anything was said.
"My name is Sakamoto Chiaki." wispered the girl who was oviosly in alot of pain." Whats yours? "
" If you must know," Shun replied," my name is Shun Fujiwara."
Sakamoto smiled."Pleasure to meet yo Samurai-sama!"
Chapter 2 (to be continued....Maybe...)
Community Member
ill have to read it sometime, its very long
: o