The Serene Life
Chapter 2: Another Boring And Lame Chapter That Won't Do Much For You Except Occupy Or Waste Some Time---Probably Waste
Lets do the introduction thing again....My name is Serene...yes, Serene. As you know, I am apparently a state of emotion. Because I am not named Serenity or even Serena, and it still amazes me how my mother could have been thinking of "Serene" while giving birth. There is absolutely nothing "serene" about it. Not that I would know.
So it was my birthday not too long ago, and it was made miserable by my so called "father" and alien sister. -cause they're all great like that- My mother just said something along the lines of "oh Serene, sweetie, they're your family, lighten up, they're not out to get you silly!" Mom please. Lighten up!? Have you seen that complete slob you married? I mean have you really seen him!? And do you know what it's like to live with an alien cheerleader who worships Barbie!? I think not. Therefore you have no right to tell me to "lighten up". I am as light as it's gonna get, because -yay me- I'm related to you guys, which means I'm a white girl.
After my heck of a birthday party, we went home and finally I could do something meaningful with the rest of my TV -ok so not really- I called my friends to hopefully get rescued -hopefully- and boy was I in luck! My friends Clover and Paul to the rescue! Yay! This time! -so the watch TV thing wasn't that far off I suppose- They came and we got the heck out of the hell hole that is my house.
Driving to the movie theater we noticed some obnoxious teens in the car next to us. They were louder than us, and way more off key, then again Clover is an excellent singer. But anyway...they were more like monkeys on crack to say the least, and I mean the least. Jumping all over the place, acting like complete and total idiots who probably were high. So of course, the girl in the passanger seat had to be Brittney, am I right? And get this, she had the nerve to acknowlege the fact that she knows who I am. The nerve of that alien girl. Shouting across the way, hanging all over the place -busty remember-oh you thought I meant like hanging out the window or possibly hanging all over the car like she's drunk, no I mean her chest-not that she wasn't drunk- "Don't tell Mom" she dares exclaim. Ha! Don't tell Mom, who does she think I am??? Her sister??? Well unfortunately...I am, but her friends don't know that, and as far as they know she's just as drunk as them.
Being the nicest sister that I am, I give her a strange look that just screams "Who the hell are you, and why are you talking to me?" and drove off. Best choice I've made all day. It would have been the second best choice if I had stomped on my "father's" foot, smashed my cake in is face and stormed off. But no...I didn't, and that's only because he gave me lots of money for my birthday. -I know what you're thinking -that's horrible- but I couldn't resist-
~Plays elevator music~
~End Intermission~
Previously on "My Life" a story about a girl and her oh so wonderful life. -ok so not really, but I've always wanted to say something like that!- Step one~ Review of earlier stuff. Step two~ Getting rescued. Step three~ Idiot alien sister from planet stupid I mean planet Pep-rally. and finally, what you've all been waiting for -or not- Step four~ The Movies!
Step four in action baby...
We walk into the theater all cool and what not, grab a seat, and watch the preview...before the previews. Pointless much? After a while of throwing popcorn at eachother trying to aim for -but completely missing- eachothers mouths, the sacred previews begin. Hmm...I can't wait until Harry Potter comes out...I do however want to see Spiderwick...Oh! The movie's about to start! -by the way, it's In The Name Of The King-
The lights go dim and...what's this annoyance? Someone's not exactly watching the film if you know what I'm saying. Thoroughly grossed out by the -erm- disturbance, I turn around. And of course the day had to get worse- it's my mother and her sickening husband. Woah. Hold on a second here...MY MOTHER!? Excuse me while I puke. NOT what I wanted to find. I sink into my chair, and finish the movie without a sound. -can't waste my ticket...such an expensive piece of paper-
YES! It's over...I don't think I could stand another moment of my mother and the guy I truely despise, making out in the back of the theater. Please...I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a spork. We manage to sneak out without them seeing, then again they can only see eachother. Well isn't that something to twitch about. Yuck. I could have enjoyed the movie a little more...
I'm home, after a drive containing misery, disgust, and Paul and Clover reassuring me everything's gonna be ok. OK!? OK!? How is this OK!? Again I end up being anything but calm, and I end up with a bad day. This is becoming oddly persistant... Happy late birthday to me???
Quest: White/Purple Ink, Art & Signs [I make em too]
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