Light Side Is: Misleading, Clever, LoyalDark Side Is: Mischevios, Trickery, Sarcastic
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Misleading DressA Dress that makes the person wearing it appear innocent while really they are just hiding there true "Sly" self.Thanxs. Hope you enjoyed it. P.S Vote a 4 or 5 to see a never before seen anime picture. smile
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You are the Light Side of Fire.You are a very outgoing person. Your whole life revolves around your friends and family. You try to live a good life by always doing exciting things. You probably love to go out all of the time!Your Life Resembles: A Rollar Coaster.
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You are an Adventurous Fairy.POSITIVE ASPECTS: Pumped, Energetic, Outgoing, Free-Spirited.NEGATIVE ASPECTS: To let-loose, Not careful, Act before you think.ATTITUDE: Mostly Optimistic but can feel Pessimistic sometimes.COLOR: Green/BrownSTONE: EmeraldANIMAL: Puma
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You control the SUN. Your power is to control the Sun and that is because you are a very passionate person. You are a very bright person, both intellectually and emotionally. You are a very extraodinary being who probably gets alot of attention. Since the sun is the center of the galaxy everyone is attracted to you by your radiance. Your Radiance gives you the power to control the Sun. TIME OF DAY: NOON
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You have only one soul and it lies in the Fire. Your soul has chosen the fire element because you are Short-Tempered, Impatient, but also Thoughful. You are the type of person that does not back down from a challenge. You are very impatient and you probably yell alot. Maybe even at yourself.SEASON: SUMMER OR SPRING
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You're a Fire angel. You are a fighter. You don't let anyone push you around and don't take crap from anyone. You like to have fun and like making other people laugh. You are very protective of your friends and of yourself. You like to hide your emotions and feel very insecure inside even if you don't show it. You might be tough but you are also a lover type of person and care about your those close to you. You have a very short temper and you are extremely impatient. However, you are a very good person even though your the daredevil type.Your wings are redish with a tint of black(very pretty). You have really good mental and/or physical strength. You try to keep yourself out of trouble but your life is just one big rollar coaster ride. As for love, commitment might not be your thing for now. You probably want to wait until your older for that stuff. For now you just want to live life without any restrictions. When you get older you'll definitly want to settle down. COLORS: Red, Orange, BlackQUOTE: " I'M A NIGHTMARE, A DISASTER, THATS WHAT THEY ALWAYS SAID. IM' A LOST CAUSE, NOT A HERO, BUT I'LL MAKE IT ON MY OWN. I'M GONNA PROVE THEM WRONG. IT'S ME AGAINST THE WORLD.
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THE SNOW.You are a very thoughtful person. You like to think about happy things and you have concern for others.
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