Hey there Fignuts.
For my first rant in a while I begin with something that has been really bugging me lately.
Why the ******** wont any of you post in my threads???
I've made like five-maybe six of them and yet only nearly half of them have even had something posted on them!!! stressed
I mean I try to put some variety in my topics. Some in GD, some in gaming discussion, hell, I even made some rp's and yet you all avoid the majority of them. I've gone from talking about stupid/cool video game characters to martial arts and body preferances. And only the later of the three have even had something posted on!!!
What do you Fignuts want huh? Should I talk about what everybody else is talking about?? Just post a few threads about sex and boobs and other perverted topics like all the others out there?? Maybe I should make one of those religious threads I see floating around in here. Would you be happy then?? Well then too ******** bad!! I'm not going to give into this goddam conformity!! I'm gonna write about what I wanna ******** want to write about!! Theres a whole bowl of mixed fignuts out there, and some of you have to be interested in the stuff I like. So I'll keep writing random threads until you all catch on and drop in and ******** POST SOMETHING!!!!
And who knows, maybe one day I'll throw you a bone and post something like ''Boobie lovers welcome here'' or ''Hott chicks post your pics here'' or even''Sexxy fetishes and the people who enjoy them'' twisted
Until then fignuts, later days, and stay crunchy.
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ghost_of_bruce_lee's Journal
This is my journal. Its about stuff I deem worth my time and typing so if something in it offends you or ticks you off in some way, then all I have to say (pardon my french) is SUCK IT
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![]() Syneya Community Member ![]() |
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Good luck with your future threads ghost.