You probably won't hear from me for a while on here, because I have been taken ill with what I call the Valentine's Plague. My friends call it pessimism and depression, but I call it a mental illness that accompanies February the 14th. If you want a full description of the mental state that accompanies this disease, please see my profile.
I cannot believe that I am in high school and STILL haven't had a boyfriend. There's this girl in my class that doen't speak, and even she has had a boyfriend! I am the one that is left out of my class. I am the only one who has never been loved. What is so wrong with me? Why can't I be loved by someone other than my friends and family? If I can love someone, then why can't he love me back? He has killed me twice now, so if I write any poetry or stories or anything, I will share them first thing after I recover from the most depressing holiday in the world.