The special ops. team had left in the morning and Tsu finally agreed on allowing ourselves a small vacation. She was instantly at the resort area in the town. "Same Tsu." I said, as I actually went to a spa. Angel followed of course, while Infernox and the rest just hung around the town. They happened to allow co-ed spa sessions, we just had to keep a small layer of covering on, not surprising in the least. But, it allowed her and I to get to talk.
"You know, I wonder how the battle will end." She had said in the sauna while we were alone. I returned with a frown, "We won't defeat Carnaso, without a great price having been paid. I'm sure you know the price as well as I do." She sighed. "Unfortunately, yes I do. We may wind up dying in order to defeat him. But, we can always get lucky and live." She said, I could see the flicker of light in her eyes. The flicker of a person who made a reach they already felt was futile. "We might, who knows? there's a lot of distance between us and Carnaso. Maybe we'll become stronger than him. But one thing's for sure, Infernox and the rest have to stay out of it. We need survivors that knew us if we do die. And besides, they'd probably only hurt our ability to attack full throttle. I already can feel myself pull back because they're around." I said. Giving her the same flicker.
"Why don't we cut them off now then?" She had returned, thinking ill of my comment. "Because, there is a possibility that they'll become as strong as you and I are, and besides, we need a little more element juice behind our punches. Thing is, you and I look out for them as much as we do for each other, because we both feel connected to them." I had said, a yawn forming at the end. "All thanks to our travels," an abnormal echo had said. "Skold. You're right." I had said, a smile forming.
"You both have worked hard, but you both have a long way to go." The now two apparitions had said. "Tonight, you both will be allowed the ability to dream together, of course we will allow you both privacy. We believe you both will know how to keep things in line." They both formed a wink at us within our minds. "Tomorrow, you may move on to your next town. Mech City awaits, for once, you won't have to save their behinds, in fact, they are going to help you." They had said before fading away, leaving us be.
"You know Skold, they're handing us something that they know ordinary teens would misuse." JP said with a wink. "Ahh, but we aren't ordinary teens are we? In fact, we're beyond the boundary of a different teen. We're straight up angel and demon. Nothing else to describe that." I said, giving off a laugh. "I know, but we can still act like." I cut in "I dang well know that, but, the one thing to keep in mind is to keep things happy, NOT going down into the gutters and back alley. And I know you know exactly what I mean. I love you, and crap like that this early only says "I'm in it for the "course" not for the love." I'm not like that. Nor are you Angel." I had said, sounding like I was scolding her. I had come up and given her a hug saying, "I only love you because you understand the meaning of love. We don't need all that polluted bull in our system. The blood of heroes, of survivors stands strong as it courses through our veins. Polluted crap like "course" or "pair-bonding" shouldn't have to be there." Her body grew an intense deep red. Her heart warmed, growing to a deep flame engulfing her entire body with heat, a heat I was happily scorched in. "Nothing will keep me from you, I need you by my side, as much as you need me by yours. A bond, shackled to us from first glance on. Soon, we shall sieze the day, win the war, and finally have a place to call home." I softly said into her ear. I pulled my head back, looking at her teary face,
"Angel my Angel,
thou's wings are always filled with not air, but love
a love flowing freely upon your entire body,
carressing it bringing serenity to every inch,
bringing thou a body of pure beauty, a face with no mark of sorrow,
and eyes that are a gateway to tranquility,
a tranquility, that can only be found in two hearts,
pure and loving."
I stared at her for a moment. "And at times, even I envy that tranquility."
I had kissed her upon her lips. And then, just then, did the one thing I had searched for outside of battle shower over me.
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I'm busy tryin to make my rl get back on track, sadly this may wind up taking me off Gaia, I thank all who have been friends to me and ask that you all hold onto your life and live.