Hey everyone. Been very busy in the life of me. Just a quick summary of all thats going on.
School: Yay finals are over. Horra Thats the good news.
Bad news is, I got 2 C's. Ouch! I'm going to get lecture for that saying 'You need to do better in school. No more computer and video games for you.' Its not going to be fun. Also, many of my friends are going to different classes. You're leaving me... All alone...

At work, its been really hard work. (I work as a carwash attendent at a gas station for those who don't know.) Everything has been getting dirty all at once and we need to clean. *sigh*
Plus its gotten really cold. It was around -7 degrees that last time I was there. Brrrr.
On a funnier note, one of the cashiers that I work with kept bugging me saying 'You're a towel.' when ever I passed her at work. Well just as I was leaving for the day, she said it again. I stopped. I turned to face her. I said, "I'm not a towel. I'm a Fox. RAWR!" She burst out laughing as I left.

As you may have noticed, I gathered a bunch of Fox motion...things...well they look cute and funny. I'm going to try and use them fairly often. But you won't know when or where.

I'm going to visit Europe in the spring time. Late March to Early April...yeah. Hoping to find a Irish pub when I'm in london.
Not much about myself to say...oh yeah there is one thing.
I'm a furry.
Yep, thats me.
There are a lot of furries out there in the world and we are everywhere.
Been trying to get in contact with some fellow furries to have a meet sometime. Should be good fun if we can get together.
To find some good facts about us, click here. Its made by a british furry and this guy is good at what he does.
Darkfox Soldier · Sat Jan 19, 2008 @ 03:21am · 4 Comments |