1: I got shot down(again whee ) by the guy that ive liked for 2 years
2: another guy asked me out and it ruined out friendship
3: i almost got kicked out of band
4: i almost killed myself
5 : my friend's sister almost ran away
6 : everything found its place smile
2007 was'nt the best year truth be told it was the worst but in the end everything found its place so now so far 2008 has been pretty good(i hope i wont jynx anything wink )I believe that this year will be great if i dont get sent to juvy... sweatdrop JK xd and i want the world of gaia to read this so its not eating me inside anymore but this is for the guy that turned me down
I know you wouldn't like a girl like me but it keeps me up at night righting countless of these silly notes. Everyday a part of you seems to slip away and i dont want you to go. I just want you to smile again because everyday you smile is a perfect day for me, i want at least one of us to be happy.
my life cant go on without you thats why i love to be near you!

my world is colorful and bright ant just black and white and i color outside the lines because i know that every little mistake ive ever made will always turn out to but the most perfect mistake i could ever make 4laugh

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