Sisterblade: 1000 gold, 2 Blue Magical Giftboxes, and Aquarium Gold Nugget Pleco [12.31.09] First page poster for pages 630 and 670, rolling 2 full-houses in the rolling 5 6-sided dice contest, and 675 bumps in the bump contest in Sisterblade's booty grab thread!
Princess Volupine: 7 Red Dragonflies [12.29.09]
Kangofu: Aquarium Mini Monsters Walker [12.23.09] Happy Holidays!
Kangofu: Aquarium Mini Monsters Laceback Galoshes [12.17.09] Raffle/grab winner for Kangofu's tank in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
KissMaiBooty: 5000 gold [12.14.09] Completion of 200 grabs in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
KissMaiBooty: Aquarium Dark Knight Fish [12.12.09] Completion of 300 bumps in the greatest booty grab thread ever! Also, congrats to Elegant Walnut on the 1 mil!
Prizes_Toys: Otami Headdress, Lawn Gnome Hat, Preda-Helmet, Mushroom Hat, Barton Regulars Helmet, Clutch Hat, and Seaeewd Hair [12.05.09] RNG 7 in Prize & Toys! An excahnge shop <3
Kyuu_Hatake: 3 red dragonflies [12.02.09]
sparta bby: Aquarium Mini Monsters Feather Coatl [11.28.09] Spooky Numbers Halloween Event in misfit baby's booty grab thread!
KissMaiBooty: 5000 gold [11.26.09] Completion of 200 grabs in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
A Logorreic Mule: 3000 gold [11.23.09] Page 60 prize in Cinnamonkey's charity thread! (Thanks Pants!)
adumbmule: Aquarium Mini Monsters Labtech Jumper [11.16.09] Random generator: 69 in mini thread, linked from the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Kangofu: Aquarium Mini Monsters Bladed Vase [11.12.09] Raffle/grab winner for Kangofu's tank in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
sparta MULE: 3 Aquarium Skittles Fish, Green Sour Patch Kids Buddy, 30 Tokens, 2 Green Inks, Overseer's Trident Shard, 2 Garlic Peels, and 2 Garlic Essences [11.8.09] Trick or Treat event in misfit baby's booty grab thread!
Jakassfrost: Aquarium Kelp, Aquarium Mini Monsters Outlaw Wolf, and Aquarium Mini Monsters Buzz Saw [11.8.09] 100 bumps, 300 bumps, and 4th post on page 356 in Jakassfrost's booty grab thread!
Poochi Snuffers: Jackies [11.7.09] Random treat in Poochi's charity thread!
sparta MULE: Aquarium Skittles Fish, 50 Tokens, 1 Crumpled Red Construction Paper, 1 Red Beetle, and 1 Yellow Daffodil [11.2.09] Trick or Treat event in misfit baby's booty grab thread!
iiLurkInTheShadows: 15000 gold [11.2.09] Completion of 300 bumps in iiLurkInTheShadows' booty grab thread!
Messenger_Of_The_Moon: Vampire's Bat Swarm [11.1.09] Halloween event in Messenger_Of_The_Moon's booty grab thread!
sparta MULE: Vampire Blood and 100 Tokens [11.1.09] Trick or Treat event in misfit baby's booty grab thread!
SPONGLED: 2 Red Dragonflies [11.1.09]
Princess Volupine: 4 Red Dragonflies [10.31.09]
Danish Lemonade: 30000 gold [10.31.09] Page 100 prize in Busty Mermaids booty grab thread!
Lady Callie G: 40000 gold [10.29.09] Completion of 1000 bumps in Busty Mermaids booty grab thread!
Cinnamonkey: 3000 gold [10.26.09] Empire apple from Halloween Festival event in Cinna's charity thread!
Jakassfrost: Aquarium Ninja Fish [10.25.09] 300 bumps in Jakassfrost's booty grab thread!
Jakassfrost: Aquarium Mini Monsters Lightning Bug [10.24.09] 100 bumps in Jakassfrost's booty grab thread!
Jakassfrost: Aquarium Mini Monsters Walker [10.23.09] Page 300 prize in Jakassfrost's booty grab thread!
KissMaiBooty: 10000 gold [10.23.09] Grab winner of 10k for pages 351-400 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
KissMaiBooty: 5000 gold [10.22.09] Completion of 200 grabs in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
adumbmule: Aquarium Mini Monsters Labtech Jumper [10.22.09] Random generator: 69 in mini thread, linked from the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Nanto_Ken: Aquarium Mini Monsters Labtech [10.21.09] Aw, you're so sweet ^-^
KissMaiBooty: 10000 gold [10.21.09] Grab winner of 10k for pages 301-350 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
KissMaiBooty: Aquarium Spikey [10.21.09] RNG: 111 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
KissMaiBooty: Aquarium Dark Knight Fish [10.20.09] Completion of 300 bumps in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
KissMaiBooty: Aquarium Mini Monsters Laceback Galoshes [10.19.09] RNG: 111 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
sparta MULE: Aquarium Mini Monsters Outlaw Wolf [10.19.09] RNG 300 in LadyXMacbeth and misfit baby's booty grab thread!
Kangofu: Aquarium Mini Monsters Lawnshark [10.15.09] Raffle/grab winner for Kangofu's tank in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
KissMaiBooty: 5000 gold [10.15.09] Completion of 200 grabs in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
KissMaiBooty: 10000 gold [10.14.09] Grab winner of 10k for pages 101-150 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
sparta MULE: 3000 gold [10.13.09] Completion of 300 bumps in LadyXMacbeth and misfit baby's booty grab thread!
Onsailc: Aquarium Momo the Monkey [10.12.09] First prize in bumping contest in Onsailc's booty grab thread!
Messenger_Of_The_Moon: 10000 gold [10.10.09] Completion of 500 bumps in Messenger_Of_The_Moon's booty grab thread!
Messenger_Of_The_Moon: Aquarium Kiki Catfish [10.08.09] RNG: 100 in Messenger_Of_The_Moon's booty grab thread!
KissMaiBooty: 5000 gold [10.07.09] Completion of 200 grabs in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Messenger_Of_The_Moon: Aquarium Submarine Ticket [10.05.09] RNG: 500 in Messenger_Of_The_Moon's booty grab thread!
Messenger_Of_The_Moon: Aquarium HamuHamu [10.03.09] RNG: 250 in Messenger_Of_The_Moon's booty grab thread!
Kissmydumbmule: 5000 gold [10.02.09] Completion of 200 grabs in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
k2theimmy: 10 White Ink and 50 Red Dragonflies [9.30.09] You're a sweetiepie <3
sparta MULE: Angelic Mood Bubble, Gaia Cash Mood Bubble, and Hot Dog Mood Bubble [9.30.09] Random prize in LadyXMacbeth and misfit baby's booty grab thread! Thank you, I love mood bubbles!
LadyXMacbeth: Aquarium Shield and Aquarium Spear [9.30.09] RNG 300 in LadyXMacbeth and misfit baby's booty grab thread!
anonymous benefactor: 2 Skittles Crazy Cores Earrings (melon berry), Skittles Crazy Cores Necklace (melon berry), Regalia of Ancient Fire, 3 Michael's Memory, Skittles Crazy Cores Hair, and Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint [9.27.09]
Kissmydumbmule: 5000 gold [9.27.09] Completion of 200 grabs in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Kissmydumbmule: Aquarium Gwee Horse [9.27.09] Yahtzee Dice Roll of 5-5-5-5-5 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Etoile Celeste: Aquarium Space Robot [9.27.09] RNG: 976 in Elearin and Etoile Celeste's booty grab thread!
LadyXMacbeth: 3000 gold [9.26.09] Completion of 300 bumps in LadyXMacbeth and misfit baby's booty grab thread!
Etoile Celeste: Aquarium Hermit Cat and Aquarium Fountain [9.26.09] RNG: 76 and 1364 in Elearin and Etoile Celeste's booty grab thread!
misfit baby: Aquarium Hermit Cat [9.25.09] First post on page 465 in LadyXMacbeth and misfit baby's booty grab thread!
LadyXMacbeth: 3000 gold [9.25.09] Completion of 300 bumps in LadyXMacbeth and misfit baby's booty grab thread!
acfaerie: 1 Red Dragonfly [9.24.09] Rora rules! <3
Freaky-Kitty-Cosplay-Boy: 3 Red Butterflies and 1 Green Dragonfly [9.23.09]
Der Untergang: 20 Red Dragonflies [9.23.09]
Kissmydumbmule: Aquarium Dark Knight Fish [9.22.09] Completion of 300 bumps at 1 bump per page in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
The Real SilverMyst: Thank You Letter for September 2009 [9.22.09] Such a sweety <3
Captain Gothica Mule: Ahhrr!! Hat Royal Purple [9.21.09] First post on page 21. Thank you very much for the invite to your booty grab thread! <3
Killer Rainbows: 4 Red Dragonflies [9.21.09]
Kangofu: Aquarium Mini Monsters Grucken [9.17.09] Week 2 Winner for Kangofu's tank in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
x Toxic Rainbows x: 3 Red Dragonflies [9.14.09]
Nanto_Ken: Aquarium Mini Monsters Rooster and Aquarium Submarine Ticket [9.13.09] Raffle/Grab winner: 13 for Nanto_Ken's tank in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Kissmydumbmule: 5000 gold [9.11.09] Completion of 200 grabs in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Kissmydumbmule: Aquarium Mini Monsters Air Fluff [9.09.09] Random number generator: 111 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Princess Volupine: 2 Red Dragonflies [9.09.09]
Kissmydumbmule: Aquarium Mini Monsters Gnome Inhabitant [9.04.09] Random number generator: 111 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Kissmydumbmule: Aquarium Mini Monsters Bladed Vase [9.04.09] Yahtzee Dice Roll of 2-2-2-2-2 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Kezia of the Fortress: 6 Red Dragonflies, 1 Red Butterfly, 2 Red Beetles, and 1 Cicada [9.03.09]
Cinnamonkey: Thank You Letter for August 2009 [9.02.09] Completion of 2000 bumps in her awesome charity thread!
Kissmydumbmule: 5000 gold [9.01.09] Completion of 200 grabs in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
b a n a n a dreams: Banana Mood Bubble [08.23.09] Yes this is the first, and thanks so much nanners! <3 How did you know I was collecting mood bubbles? ninja
adumbmule: Aquarium Mini Monsters Gilroy [8.11.09] Random generator: 69 in mini thread, linked from the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Kissmydumbmule: Aquarium Mini Monsters Alarmskeeter [8.08.09] Random number generator: 111 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Kissmydumbmule: 5000 gold and Aquarium Dark Knight Fish [8.08.09] Completion of 200 grabs and 300 bumps at 1 bump per page in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Princess Volupine: 11 Red Dragonflies [8.04.09]
Kissmydumbmule: Aquarium Mini Monsters Anchor bug [8.04.09] Random number generator: 111 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Kissmydumbmule: Aquarium Mini Monsters Anchor bug [7.22.09] Random number generator: 111 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Kissmydumbmule: 10000 gold [7.21.09] Grab winner of 10k in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
MyMaiMy411: 50000 [7.21.09] Winner of highest grabs and total high score from grabs. Thanks so much! <3
MyMaiMy411: 6838 [7.21.09] Doubling of booty grab for 4 grabs <3
KatS9: 4 Red Dragonflies [7.20.09]
MyMaiMy411: 472 gold [7.20.09] Doubling of booty grab for 1 grab <3
k2theimmy: Angelic Parasol [7.10.09] Page 1300 Prize in [PORN] In A Bucket charity!
Cinnamonkey: 10000 gold [7.19.09] You're such a sweety pie <3
Gin-Gin_version2: 40000 gold [7.19.09] Charity donation in her super awesome charity/quest thread!
acfaerie: Carol of Ol' Nick 5th gen [6.13.09] Page 105 prize in her temporary thread!
MyMaiMy411: 2050 gold [7.17.09] Doubling of booty grab for 2 grabs <3
Senaku-san: Starfish Crown, Neutral Starter Rocker Guy Tee, Warm Baggy Starter Shirt, Warm Punk Starter Top, Citrus Snug Layered Tees, Warm Starter Polo, Warm Dress Starter Shirt, Warm Sporty Starter Shirt, Warm Baggy Starter Pants, Citrus Snug Lacy Leggings, Neutral Starter Skater Guy Jeans, and Warm Starter Khakis Shorts [7.17.09]
Kissmydumbmule: Aquarium Starfish [7.15.09] Random number generator: 461 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
MyMaiMy411: 3630 gold [7.15.09] Doubling of booty grab for 3 grabs <3
Cinnamonkey: 30000 gold [7.14.09] Me awesome? No, you're awesome!
Ki-Wheee: 405 Red Dragonflies [7.14.09] Luff you Kiwi <3
MyMaiMy411: 5512 gold [7.12.09] Doubling of booty grab gold for 5 grabs <3
Dragnus: Sealed Envelope 07/2009 for 33 gold! [7.10.09] Where it only happens at The Letter Spot Incorporated
Kissmydumbmule: 15000 gold [7.10.09] Completion of 200 grabs and grab winner of 10k in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
MyMaiMy411: 7828 gold [7.08.09] Doubling of booty grab gold for 7 grabs <3
The Noob Basher: 2 Red Dragonflies [7.07.09]
Poochi Snuffers: Pride of Hera [7.06.09] Random prize for July 4th-6th event in Poochi's wonderful charity/quest thread!
MyMaiMy411: 11992 gold [7.05.09] Doubling of booty grab gold for 8 grabs <3
Kissmydumbmule: Aquarium Lila the Mermaid [7.06.09] Yahtzee Dice Roll of 6-6-6-6-6 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Koukaku Kidoutai: Nautilus, Cap a la Gingerbread, Sharktooth Wings, Neutral Starter Rocker Girl Top, Skittles Crazy Core Glasses, Tan Peasant Gloves, Madagascar Hippo Mask, Jack's 2k7 Armor Gloves, Carrot Nose, Skittles Crazy Core Facepaint (melon berry), Langer, and Red Octopus (on my head) for my 10 gold [7.05.09] Random give away in the exchange.
Kissmydumbmule: 5000 gold [7.05.09] Completion of 200 grabs in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
SadistCake: Labu Necklace [7.04.09]
Bake-mono Bara: 1000 gold [7.04.09]
Hummybirds: Aquarium Hermit Cat [7.04.09]
Fluffy Wishes: 2500 gold [7.04.09] Page 200 prize in the wonderful multi-artist art freebies thread!
MyMaiMy411: 9886 gold [7.03.09] Doubling of booty grab gold for 8 grabs <3
Kissmydumbmule: 10000 gold [7.03.09] Grab winner of 10k for pages 1001-1025 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Windy_Day: 14 Red Dragonflies [7.02.09]
The Drunken Fairy: The Nightmare [7.02.09] Like it? I love it! You're too generous! :: wails ::
Kissmydumbmule: Aquarium Dark Knight Fish [7.02.09] Completion of 300 bumps with 1 bump per page booty grab thread ever!
Kissmydumbmule: 5000 gold [7.02.09] Completion of 200 grabs in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Noir Resurection: Sealed Envelope 07/2009 [7.01.09] ^///^ Beloved Noir who is soon to be not Noir <3
Noir Resurection: Yemaya's Pearl [7.01.09] ^///^
Gin-Gin_version2: 40000 gold [6.30.09] Charity donation in her super awesome charity/quest thread!
BlackHeartedSuccubus: 2 Red Dragonfly, 3 Cricket, 5 Cicada, 2 Brown Ink, 1 Red Beetle, 2 Yellow Butterfly, 1 Grasshopper, 2 Red Butterfly, 3 Firefly, 1 Blue Beetle, 1 House Fly, and 15 Purple Daisies [6.29.09]
edokitty: Elegant Black Satin Corset [6.28.09] If only for a little while <3
edokitty: White Bun-Bun Plushie [6.28.09] Come back soon! <3
edokitty: Anti-Terror Desert camo pants, Anti-Terror Arctic camo pants, G-LOL Bruise Mistress Top, G-LOL Dark Mistress Top, Ritzy White Pearl Necklace, and Black Victorian Boots [6.27.09] Always <3
edokitty: G9 Laptop [6.27.09] Will be missing you <3
edokitty: Nitemare Parasol [6.27.09] Beloved edo <3
MyMaiMy411: 4506 gold [6.26.09] Doubling of booty grab gold for 4 grabs <3
Cinnamonkey: 6000 and Thank You Letter for May 2008 [6.26.09] Page 580, 590, and 600 prize in her awesome charity thread!
Cinnamonkey: 9000 gold [6.25.09] Page 540, 550, and 560 prize in her awesome charity thread!
Liquid Dirt: Water Puddle [6.24.09]
Cinnamonkey: 3000 gold [6.24.09] Page 530 prize in her awesome charity thread!
Kissmydumbmule: 10000 gold [6.24.09] Grab winner of 10k for pages 526-550 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
MyMaiMy411: 1616 gold [6.24.09] Doubling of booty grab gold for 2 grabs <3
Cinnamonkey: 3000 gold [6.23.09] Page 520 prize in her awesome charity thread!
Kissmydumbmule: 5000 gold [6.23.09] Completion of 200 grabs in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
MyMaiMy411: 1876 gold [6.23.09] Doubling of booty grab gold for 2 grabs <3
Omni the Fallen: Ohh~Cean Black Head Wrap and 550 gold [6.23.09]
Kissmydumbmule: 10000 gold [6.22.09] Grab winner of 10k for pages 526-550 in the greatest booty grab thread ever!
Gin-Gin_version2: 10000 gold [6.19.09] Page 2800 prize in her super awesome charity/quest thread!
Rave Bracelets: 128 Red Dragonflies [6.19.09]
Fallen Insaniity: 10 Red Dragonflies [6.19.09]
MummifiedBanana: Jellyfish Cape [6.18.09]
dota_chan: 34 Yellow Butterflies, 19 Green Dragonflies, 8 Grasshoppers, 11 Brown Beetles, 34 Crickets, 4 Blue Beetles, 9 Blue Butterflies, 7 Blue Dragonflies, 17 Red Dragonflies, 22 Red Beetles, 14 Red Butterflies, and 2 Red Flies [6.17.09]
Serenith/Serenny: Thank You Letter for Feb 07 [6.16.09] Quote the bouncing box prize in her super duper awesome charity thread G.I.F.T.
sarazan: 38 Red Dragonflies [6.16.09]
Slut Garden_MM: 2 Red Dragonflies [6.16.09]
Slut Garden_MM: Aquarium Lila the Mermaid [6.15.09] > 3< You're too awesome!
icecreameatingpanda: 220 gold [6.14.09]
[ Sparkle ]: 13 Red Dragonflies [6.14.09]
Kyuu_Hatake: 13 Red Dragonflies [6.14.09]
acfaerie: Dionaesil 8th gen [6.13.09] Page 42 prize in her temporary thread!
iMPECCABLE iNCEST: 2500 gold [6.12.09]
Jamoldred: 180 Red Dragonflies, 3 Firefly, 1 Red Butterfly, 1 Cicada, 1 Cricket, 1 Red Beetle, 5 Green Dragonflies, 1 Grasshopper, 6 White Daisies, 9 Pink Daffodils, 6 House Fly, and 5 Brown Beetle [6.10.09] Jammy <3
otome6789/Gin-Gin_version2: Sealed 06/2009 [6.10.09] Page 2600 prize in her super awesome charity/quest thread!
Berri Tsuki: 23 Red Dragonflies [6.9.09]
CharmingBerry: 12 Red Dragonflies [6.9.09]
knollie: 7000 gold [6.5.09] 500 bump prize in her charity/quest thread!
Gin-Gin_version2: 5000 gold [6.5.09] Dice prize #3 in her wonderful charity/quest thread!
Poochi Snuffers: Sky Picnic Sun Hat [5.30.09] Page 300 prize in Poochi's wonderful charity/quest thread!
Gin-Gin_version2: 5000 gold [6.5.09] Dice prize #2 in her wonderful charity/quest thread!
Gin-Gin_version2: 5000 gold [6.5.09] Dice prize #1 in her wonderful charity/quest thread!
knollie: 1000 gold [6.5.09] First post on page 50 in her charity/quest thread!
Poochi Snuffers: 5000 gold [6.4.09]
Platinum Poptart: 8 Red Dragonflies, 9 Red Butterflies, 1 Blue Dragonfly, 6 Green Dragonflies, and 5000 gold [6.4.09]
Lilac-ish: 2 Aquarium Hermit Cats [6.3.09]
XxBellaMidnightxX: Fox Ears [6.3.09]
Silent Gray Wolf: 1000 gold [6.1.09]
soulful_sounds: Brown Magical Giftbox [6.1.09]
.A r t e m i s.: 404 Pink Daffodils, 4 Green Dragonflies, and 633 gold [5.31.09]
Poochi Snuffers: DandiiDooDad Spore [5.30.09] Highest bump prize by May 30th, 2009 in Poochi's wonderful charity/quest thread!
SirRosiel: 10000 gold [5.29.09]
slavebymais6: 1 Pink Carnation [5.29.09]
[.Rainbow.Wolf.]: 17 Green Dragonflies and 6 Red Dragonflies [5.29.09]
The Kinky Cracker: Long Red Socks (Male), Radicool Blackout Trim Shorts (Male), Warm Dress Starter Shoes, Skittles Crazy Core Facepaint (mango peach), 2x Skittles Crazy Core Facepaint (melon berry), 1 Green Dragonfly, Dark Elf Potion, Green Octopus (on my head), Red Octopus (on my head), Aquarium 2008 Winter Snow Crystal, and 1 White Carnation [5.29.09]
Wrathkid: 9 Red Dragonflies [5.28.09]
Magus: Wed to Darkness [5.28.09] 2nd prize in bumping contest!
Poochi Snuffers: Box of Totally Innocent Objects [5.27.09] Raffle in Poochi's wonderful charity/quest thread! Luff you Poochi <3
d j F A N T A S T I C: 2000 gold [5.27.09]
acfaerie: 3 Red Dragonfly [5.24.09] Rora <3
Artic_Demoness: 5 Red Dragonfly, 1 Red Butterfly, 5 Red Beetle, Recipe: Rolled-Up Newspaper, Recipe: Pinwheel, Recipe: Forum Badge (CB), and Receipe: Bonsai Wings [5.24.09]
DevonyEvony: 60 Token, White Medical Gloves, Skitles Crazy Core Necklace (melon berry), and 1500 gold [5.24.09]
iChocolate_Bovine: 106 gold [5.23.09]
h i g h v o l t a g e XD: 4 Red Dragonfly [5.23.09]
Slut Garden_MM: 1 Red Dragonfly and 1000 gold [5.23.09]
DarknessAssylum: Titan's Legacy (Seed) [5.21.09]
Kyuu_Hatake: 3 Red Dragonfly [5.21.09]
.A r t e m i s.: 1 Red Dragonfly and 12 Red Butterfly [5.21.09]
night_shade36: 37 Red Dragonfly [5.19.09]
acfaerie: Bon Pain [5.19.09] Page 12 prize in her temporary thread!
Ocho Cruzada: Black Holographic Eyepiece [5.19.09]
arcane surviver: 16 Red Dragonfly [5.19.09]
Angeloni87: 26 Red Dragonfly [5.19.09]
Alice_tm: 22500 gold [5.19.09] 3000 gold per 50 bumps plus 1500 gold for unfinished bumping
Alice_tm: 3000 gold [5.19.09] 50 bump prize
Alice_tm: 4001 gold [5.19.09] 1001 gold donation and 3000 gold for 50 bumps prize
Jinranshi: 29 Red Dragonfly [5.18.09]
Ronzalpha201: 75000 gold [5.18.09] First prize TekTek contest in Geñe®a†iøn ¥ Guild!
Faye Kittie: 4 Red Dragonfly [5.18.09]
blackisis11: 3 Green Dragonfly, 1 Cicada, 1 Firefly, 3 Pink Daffodil, 1 House Fly, 1 Crumpled Newsprint, 1 Crumpled Zerox Paper White, and 1 Grade F Fish Bait [5.18.09]
Aqua393: Watermelon Hat [5.18.09]
blackisis11: 2 Red Dragonfly [5.18.09]
iiSnuggles: 2000 gold [5.18.09] 100 bump prize in her Quest Thread
Poochi Snuffers: 10000 gold [5.17.09] 500 bump prize in Poochi's I Wish For... thread!
Kyuu_Hatake: 8 Red Dragonfly [5.17.09]
Poochi Snuffers: 4000 gold [5.16.09] 100 bump prize in Poochi's I Wish For... thread!
k2theimmy: Sky Sparkle Empire Dress [5.15.09]
kdogbillion: 7 Red Dragonfly [5.14.09]
solar_girl_amy: 42 Red Dragonfly [5.14.09]
Happy Rocks: Skittles Crazy Core Facepaint (mango peach), Side Dark Wood Table, Neutral Starter Skater Guy Shoes [5.14.09]
uStare: 11 Red Dragonfly [5.11.09]
Princess Volupine: 2 Red Dragonfly [5.09.09]
acfaerie: 12 Red Dragonfly [4.28.09]
X_iiMrMetz: 3 Red Dragonfly [4.28.09]
As a member of s3 I...felt like I needed to get you this. x3 go on...look at one of the poses (from an anonymous benefactor!): Tax Man's Dinner [4.26.09] (Love it! XD!)
Princess Volupine: 6 Red Dragonfly [4.14.09]
k2theimmy: Fausto's Bottle [3.31.09] n 3n
my_secrets66: 25 Red Dragonfly [3.14.09]
I Like To Stalk You: 1 Red Dragonfly [3.14.09]
darkoth: 9 Yellow Butterfly, 4 Red Dragonfly, 4 Green Dragonfly, 8 Red Butterfly [3.14.09]
Lil Naruto_Uzumaki190: Warm Starter Glam Guy Trousers, Citrus Snug Lacy Leggings, Warm Dress Starter Slacks x2, Warm Sporty Starter Shorts, Warm Baggy Starter Pants [3.12.09]
Ronzalpha201: 13 Red Dragonfly [3.11.09]
Kaheme: 1 Crumpled Newsprint, 2 Crumpled Green Construction Paper, 2 Cricket, 2 Crumpled Newspaper, 1 Dirty Crumpled Newspaper, 2 Firefly, 3 Red Dragonfly, 4 Old Crumpled Newspaper, 2 Red Butterfly, 2 Cicada, 2 Red Beetle, 3 Grasshopper [03.10.09]
xXx- L u n e t t a -xXx: Jenny's Innocent Open-Toe Shoes, Verizon Glasses, Vampire's Fangs (RAWR), Celebrity Snare Justin Timberlake Collectible Card, Celebrity Snare Snoop Dogg Collectible Card, Enchanted Wooden Trunk, Pot o' Skittles, Elf Science, Santa Cow Plushie, You are a Cow, My Own Little Elftech, and Lightning Bolt [3.3.09]
Princess Volupine: 4 Red Dragonfly [3.1.09]
abbymabby: Benny the Puppy [2.19.09] Secret Prize for spelling "D,AWG" on page 4807 of the "Count to ZZZ,ZZZ" thread.
Princess Volupine: 4 Red Dragonfly [2.13.09]
Buggy Wonder: 4 Red Dragonfly [1.10.09]
S p u z z e h: 2x Cola Bottle, Kitchen Clock, Pink Leather Chair, Blue Potted Island Palm, Yellow Tea Pot, Green Punchingbag, Pizza, I Heart U Yellow Wallpaper Tile, Yellow Matte Floor Tile, Metal Toaster, and Light Tiki Totem [1.9.09]
Guns McNasty: 2 Red Dragonfly and 2750 gold [1.7.09]
iTeenage Screwup: 19 Red Dragonfly [1.7.09]
Buggy Wonder: 2 Red Dragonfly [1.5.09]
AutumnrainChaos: 1 Red Dragonfly [1.5.09]
k2theimmy: The Lusty Scoundrel [1.1.09] Page 1100 Prize in [PORN] In A Bucket Charity!
edokitty/anserine: Aquarium Arrow Fish [1.1.09] December Giveaway in Fool's Errand Thread! Best wishes to edo while the thread is closed <3
edokitty/anserine: Xmas Giftbox 2k5 ( 8 of 8 ) [12. 27.08] Letter Giveaway Consolation Prize in Fool's Errand thread!
lilith always: 4 Red Dragonfly [12.26.08]
ILLIANDRIA: 8 Red Dragonfly [12.25.08]
edokitty: Silver Kiseru [12.25.08] Happy Holidays! ^-^
Princess Volupine: 3 Red Dragonfly [12.20.08]
edokitty: Jolly Hot Cocoa [12.11.08] Get Festive in Fool's Errand thread!
Ile-89: 29 Red Dragonfly [12.09.08]
edokitty/anserine: Pearl and Onyx Earrings [11.30.08] November Giveaway in Fool's Errand thread!
Blossom Morphine: 6 Red Dragonfly [11.29.08]
TeoSnow: 9 Red Dragonfly [11.19.08]
Princess Volupine: 3 Red Dragonfly [11.15.08]
edokitty/anserine: 1000 gold [10.31.08] October Giveaway in Fool's Errand thread!
edokitty/anserine: Jack's Grab Bag 2k6 [5 of 8] adopt an orphan consolation prize in Fool's Errand thread!
Princess Volupine: 3 Red Dragonfly [10.22.08]
Russian Robot: 2 Red Dragonfly [10.13.08]
Russian Robot: 1 Red Dragonfly [10.08.08]
Russian Robot: 3 Red Dragonfly [10.06.08]
edokitty/anserine: 2000 gold [10.01.08] September Giveaway in Fool's Errand thread!
edokitty/anserine: 2500 gold [09.19.08] Weekly Contest #11 in Fool's Errand thread!
Princess Volupine: 4 Red Dragonfly [09.08.08]
edokitty/anserine: 1000 gold [09.04.08] August Giveaway in Fool's Errand thread!
Sparklingeyes827: 2 Firefly, 1 Purple Daisies, 3 Green Dragonfly, 1 White Daisies, 1 White Carnation, 1 Pink Carnation, 1 Crumpled Red Construction Paper, 1 Cicada, 1 Pink Daffodil, 1 Red Dragonfly, 2 Yellow Butterfly, and 1 Crumpled Newspaper [08.27.08]
Princess Volupine: 3 Red Dragonfly [08.27.08]
candycane elf: 21 Red Dragonfly [08.12.08]
dancing purple plushies: 16 Green Dragonfly and 1 Red Dragonfly [08.09.08]
moonstar9239: June Birthstone Crown and 1500 gold [08.02.08]
edokitty/anserine: Lovely Genie Red Belly Gem and Were Feet [08.02.08] July Giveaway in Fool's Errand thread!
Princess Volupine: 2 Red Dragonfly [08.01.08]
Jamoldred: Red Diamond and 500 gold [08.01.08]
Zombie Cheesecake: Panda Plushie [07.30.08]
pink gummi bears: 1 Red Dragonfly [07.14.08]
Princess Volupine: 2 Red Dragonfly [07.10.08]
moonstar9239: 44 Red Dragonfly [07.09.08]
DarkerFairytaleDreams: 24 Red Dragonfly [07.03.08]
Inexcusably KiWi: Nitemare Boots [07.02.08] Beloved Kiwi ^-^
edokitty: Lovely Genie Double Silver Earrings, White Clown Makeup, Lovely Genie Double Gold Earrings, Drop Earrings, and Silver Hoop Earrings [07.01.08] June Giveaway in Fool's Errand thread! Beloved edo ^-^
TequilaStarlight: 22 Red Dragonfly [06.30.08]
Aegeon: Thank You Letter for June 2008 [06.18.08] Winner in page 500 draw in Geo's SarcastArt thread! ^-^
Dawn Dreamer: 6 Red Dragonfly and 1000 gold [06.18.08]
Isendenia Silver: 4 Cricket, 2 Red Butterfly, 1 Blue Dragonfly, 1 Blue Beetle, 1 Cicada, 2 Grasshopper, 2 White Carnation, 1 Red Dragonfly, 9 Firefly, 2 Brown Beetle, 6 Yellow Daffodil, and 3 Sunflower [06.18.08]
AidenwiLRapture: 23 Red Dragonfly [06.10.08]
claypot19: 3 Red Dragonfly, 3 Red Butterfly, 10 Blue Ink, 3 Sunflower, and 792 White Carnation [06.09.08]
Scout Sakaro: 11 Red Dragonfly [06.01.08]
Aegeon: 5000 gold [05.31.08]
Ulfgar: 10 Red Dragonfly [05.31.08]
AmanitaVirosa: 27 Red Dragonfly [05.30.08]
Mifftastical: Single Yellow Daffodil - White Bouquet, Black Audio Receiver, 10 Yellow Daffodil, 1230 Tokens, 161 Pink Daffodil, 32 Sunflower, 20 White Carnation, 20 Blue Daisies, 150 Blue Daffodil, 50 Crumpled Zerox Paper Blue, Green Ink, and Yellow Ink [05.28.08]
Kevisaurus: Gold BFF Heart Chain [05.27.08]
DomoLeader: 9 Purple Daisies and 5 White Carnation [05.27.08]
yohabroha2: 5 Pink Daffodil and 100 Token [05.27.08]
YukiTheDarkPrince: 2 Yellow Daffodil [05.27.08]
YukiTheDarkPrince: Green Corallus Egg 2nd gen. [05.27.08]
YukiTheDarkPrince: Firefly [05.27.08]
YukiTheDarkPrince: Angelic Mood Bubble [05.27.08]
Hippie Zombie: White Daisies [05.27.08]
.A r t e m i s.: 15 Purple Daisies [05.27.08]
.A r t e m i s.: 2 Yellow Daffodil [05.27.08]
YukiTheDarkPrince: 3 Red Dragonfly and 4000 gold [05.25.08]
Mifftastical: 7 Red Dragonfly [05.25.08]
.A r t e m i s.: 5 Pink Daffodil, Firefly, and 6 Fishing Net [05.25.08]
Roachy: December Birthstone Crown, January Birthstone Crown, and October Birthstone Crown [05.23.08]
Roachy: February Birthstone Crown [05.23.08]
debijay: Purple Lily Boutounniere, 2 Water Balloon, Green Dragonfly, Red Kitchen Clock, and Side Wood Table [05.23.08]
debijay: Firefly [05.23.08]
debijay: 10 Blue Daffodil, 3 Purple Daisies, Red Dragonfly, and 60 Token [05.23.08]
rainy_sky967: Pink Leather Chair [05.23.08]
.A r t e m i s.: 1 White Daisies [05.23.08]
KoizumixxRisa: 2 Blue Dragon Tail, Green Stockings, Warm Female Goth Starter Boots, Neutral Starter Boots, Jack's Beard, Single Sunflower - Brown Bouquet, Neutral Starter Window, Neutral Starter Door, Cool Starter Fridge, Basic Concrete Floor Tile, and Neutral Starter Chair [05.23.08]
`Milano: 32 Red Dragonfly [05.19.08]
Zombie Cheesecake: Thank You Letter for May 2008 and Inari's Beads [05.19.08] Beloved Jester ^-^
weird_anne0320: 8 White Daisies, 4 White Carnation, 6 Sunflower, 15 Yellow Daffodil, 10 Yellow Butterfly, 6 Red Butterfly, 1 Blue Butterfly, 3 Blue Daffodil, 4 Old Crumpled Newspaper, 6 Purple Daisies, 3 Pink Daffodil, and 4 Cricket [05.18.08]
Isendenia Silver: 2 Cricket, 6 Pink Carnation, 2 Green Dragonfly, 4 Crumpled Zerox Paper Blue, 2 Yellow Butterfly, 6 Cicada, 3 Sunflower, 2 White Carnation, 2 White Daisies, 2 Red Dragonfly, 3 Blue Butterfly, and 3 Crumpled Blue Construction Paper [05.16.08]
mjrules123: 16 Red Dragonfly [05.14.08]
[_Moonless_]: 11 Red Dragonfly and 1300 gold [05.14.08]
kairi77: 4 White Daisies [05.12.08]
Mrs. Batman: 79 Red Dragonfly [05.09.08]
stardustmz: 21 Red Dragonfly [05.07.08]
Chiyori Adachi: 5 Red Dragonfly [05.03.08]
water_godess29: 41 Red Dragonfly [05.02.08]
.A r t e m i s.: 4 Red Dragonfly, 8 Pink Daffodil, 6 White Daisies, and Green Dragonfly [05.02.08]
Miss Jenny Vane: 10 Red Dragonfly [04.26.08]
--The First Pumpkin--: Red Dragonfly [04.25.08]
debijay: 77 Blue Daffodil [04.25.08]
debijay: 333 Blue Daffodil and 2 Purple Daisies [04.25.08]
Raredamon-BlackFoxx: 105 Crumpled Green Construction Paper, 11 Old Crumpled Newspaper, 25 Crumpled Newspaper, 6 Blue Daffodil, 87 Crumpled Red Construction Paper, 38 Pink Carnation, 106 Dirty Crumpled Newspaper, Crumpled Zerox Paper White, Yellow Daffodil, and 23 White Carnation [04.25.08]
Rytiskua: 6 Red Dragonfly [04.23.08]
Raredamon-BlackFoxx: 35 Crumpled Zerox Paper White, 33 Sunflower, 19 Crumpled Zerox Paper Goldenrod, 39 Yellow Daffodil, 37 White Daisies, 75 Pink Daffodil, 45 Purple Daisies, 15 Blue Daisies, 75 Crumpled Zerox Paper Blue, 26 Crumpled Paper Bag, and 60 Crumpled Newsprint [04.23.08]
(Wah! An anonymous benefactor!): Enchanted Wooden Trunk [04.22.08]
Message: I am NOT Ms Vyxsin. NOT Ms Vyxsin. Mmkay? xDD
Seriously. =P I'm not her...okay? Okay.
This must be code for something!
Kami Wa Vash MonteCristo: 14 Green Dragonfly and 13 Red Dragonfly [04.15.08]
nitebird: 8 Red Dragonfly [04.15.08]
Ms Vyxsin: 41 Red Dragonfly [04.15.08]
debijay: 2 Blue Daisies [04.13.08]
anserine/edokitty: Bun-Bun Plushie [04.12.08]
edokitty: Kitty Slippers [04.12.08] CoCo Adoption Consolation Prize
edokitty: 73 Red Dragonfly [04.12.08] Beloved edo ^-^
anserine/edokitty: Skeleton [04.12.08] April Giveaway come early!
edokitty: Kitty Slippers [04.12.08] Coco Giveaway Consolation Prize
qwertyla: 3 Green Dragonfly, 3 Red Butterfly, 2 Grasshopper, 4 Firefly, 2 Red Beetle, 6 Cicada, 4 Cricket, Yellow Butterfly, 3 Brown Beetle, and 3 House Fly [04.09.08]
Avalon182: 2 Cicada, Grasshopper, and Red Butterfly [04.08.08]
.A r t e m i s.: 6 Purple Daisies [04.06.08]
Sparklingeyes827: Crumpled Zerox Paper Goldenrod, 2 Pink Daffodil, 2 Red Beetle, 2 Yellow Butterfly, Crumpled Newspaper, Red Dragonfly, Green Dragonfly, 2 Cricket, 2 Red Butterfly, Dirty Crumpled Newspaper, Yellow Daffodil, and 2 Sunflower [04.06.08]
Shasita: 14 Red Dragonfly [04.06.08]
Miss Jenny Vane: 42 Crumpled Newsprint, 17 Crumpled Newspaper, 51 Dirty Crumpled Newspaper, 31 Crumpled Zerox Paper Goldenrod, 32 Old Crumpled Newspaper, 23 Crumpled Red Construction Paper, and 23 Crumpled Green Construction Paper [04.04.08]
Miss Jenny Vane: 17 Pink Carnation, 36 Yellow Daffodil, 10 Blue Daisies, 22 Blue Carnation, 40 Blue Daffodil, 11 White Carnation, 38 White Daisies, 23 Green Dragonfly, 35 Crumpled Zerox Paper White, 22 Crumpled Blue Construction Paper, 18 Crumpled Zerox Paper Blue, and 33 Crumpled Paper Bag [04.04.08]
Miss Jenny Vane: 8 Red Butterfly, 25 Yellow Butterfly, 36 Brown Beetle, 11 Blue Butterfly, 9 Blue Dragonfly, 15 Blue Beetle, 30 Grasshopper, Red Beetle, 22 Pink Daffodil, 27 Purple Daisies, 22 Sunflower, and 57 Blue Daisies [04.04.08]
Isendenia Silver: Crumpled Green Construction Paper, Crumpled Zerox Paper Blue, Red Beetle, Pink Carnation, Pink Daffodil, White Daisies, Purple Daisies, and Crumpled Newsprint [04.04.08]
Miss_kimberly_ann: 9 Red Dragonfly [04.03.08]
Isendenia Silver: Firefly, Cricket, 3 Pink Daffodil, 4 Yellow Daffodil, 4 Pink Carnation, 2 Crumpled Newsprint, 3 Old Crumpled Newspaper, Crumpled Red Construction Paper, Crumpled Zerox Paper Goldenrod, Purple Daisies, White Carnation, and Crumpled Paper Bag [04.02.08]
Miss Jenny Vane: 1 Red Dragonfly [04.01.08]
Quel Dommage: 6 Red Dragonfly and 1 Pink Daffodil [04.01.08]
The Big Red DuQuah: 1000 gold [04.01.08]
edokitty: Red Band Style Eye Patch and White Band Style Eye Patch [04.01.08] March giveaway in Fool's Errand thread!
Isendenia Silver: 2 Red Dragonfly, 7 White Daisies, 3 Green Dragonfly, 4 Brown Beetle, 4 Yellow Butterfly, 4 Cicada, 4 Red Butterfly, 4 Red Beetle, 5 Sunflower, 3 Grasshopper, 2 House Fly, and 1 White Carnation [03.31.08]
XxPenguins-with-KnivesxX: 7 Red Dragonfly [03.30.08]
Aeliwona: 13 Red Dragonfly [03.30.08]
Feralight: 501 Red Dragonfly [03.30.08]
Rawwr its Kai: 2 Red Dragonfly [03.30.08]
vampwolfwitch: 50 Red Dragonfly [03.30.08]
Isendenia Silver: 15 White Daisies, 14 Pink Daffodil, 25 Blue Daffodil, 8 Blue Carnation, 15 White Carnation, 13 Sunflower, 20 Purple Daisies, 28 Crumpled Green Construction Paper, 30 Dirty Crumpled Newspaper, 13 Pink Carnation, 14 Yellow Daffodil, 1 Red Dragonfly [03.30.08]
Blackfoot Scorpion: 2 Red Dragonfly [03.27.08]
Daisuke_vs_Dark: 27 Red Dragonfly and 17 Blue Dragonfly [03.27.08]
Quel Dommage: 2 Red Dragonfly [03.27.08]
Fairy Popo: 1000 gold [03.25.08]
k2theimmy: 100 Red Dragonfly [03.24.08] Beloved Izzy ^-^
edokitty: White Bun-Bun Plushie [03.23.08] Year of the Rabbit Special Event in Fool's Errand thread!
Sparklingeyes827: Firefly, Sunflower, Brown Pebbo Feeder, Crumpled Blue Construction Paper, Red Butterfly, Red Beetle, White Daisies, White Carnation, Yellow Daffodil, Cicada, Crumpled Zerox Paper Blue, and 6 Purple Daisies [03.20.08]
Zombie Cheesecake: Luck o' the Gairish [03.17.08] Beloved Jester ^-^
b a n a n a dreams: Purple Matte Wall Tile [03.15.08]
.A r t e m i s.: 2 Misasma and 2 Tiny Tom [03.15.08] Beloved Artie ^-^
KiWi SaYS: 692 Red Dragonfly [03.15.08] Beloved Kiwi ^-^
greenphoenixrain: 120 Firefly [03.15.08]
Deity of Entity: Blue Daffodil [03.12.08]
Deity of Entity: Pink Carnation [03.12.08]
Sparklingeyes827: Old Crumpled Newspaper, Pink Daffodil, 2 Pink Carnation, 2 Cricket, Crumpled Paper Bag, 2 Grasshopper, 2 Green Dragonfly, Yellow Daffodil, Crumpled Zerox Paper Goldenrod, 2 Firefly, 2 Cicada, and Grade F Fish Bait [03.12.08]
Kazuma`: 9 Red Dragonfly [03.10.08]
.A r t e m i s.: 508 Sunflower [03.09.08]
NeoKabookie: Yellow Butterfly, Red Dragonfly, and Red Butterfly [03.09.08] Extra added in trade ^-^
Candii Raver 84: 3 Cool Starter Polo and 2 Cool Punk Starter Top [03.09.08]
Candii Raver 84: Cool Punk Starter Top, Cool Baggy Starter Shirt, Cool Sporty Starter Shirt, and Cool Dress Starter Shirt [03.09.08]
Isendenia Silver: 8 Crumpled Zerox Paper Goldenrod, 26 Crumpled Zerox Paper White, 41 Crumpled Zerox Paper Blue, 12 Old Crumpled Newspaper, 22 Crumpled Newspaper, 7 Crumpled Red Construction Paper, 33 Crumpled Blue Construction Paper, 30 Crumpled Paper Bag, 33 Crumpled Newsprint, 2 Old Can, Orange Guppy, and Blue Seedkin [03.07.08]
Isendenia Silver: 3 Red Butterfly, Yellow Butterfly, 7 Red Dragonfly, Green Dragonfly, 5 Red Beetle, 4 Brown Beetle, Grasshopper, 4 Firefly, 5 Cicada, 3 Cricket, and House Fly
Isendenia Silver: Gwee the Dragon [03.07.08]
italiansoccerfan32: 5 Red Dragonfly [03.06.08]
Zombie Cheesecake: Jackie [03.06.08] Beloved Jester ^-^
Sparklingeyes827: Brown Beetle, Red Beetle, Crumpled Newsprint, Red Dragonfly, Pink Carnation, Crumpled Newspaper, 2 Pink Daffodil, Yellow Daffodil, and 10 Token [03.03.08]
anserine/edokitty: Were Claws [03.01.08] Added for February giveaway in Fool's Errand thread!
Soulja_Skater: 25 Green Dragonfly, Blue Dragonfly, Blue Juggling Ball, Icy Snug Balloon Skirt, Green Flame Shirt, Flame Shirt, and Blue Flame Shirt [03.01.08]
Kevisaurus: Long-stem Gilded Rose [02.27.08]
Rusty Peach: 9 Red Dragonfly [02.27.08]
Sparklingeyes827: Yellow Butterfly, Brown Beetle, 2 Crumpled Newsprint, Grasshopper, 3 Crumpled Zerox Paper Goldenrod, House Fly, 2 Red Dragonfly, Red Butterfly, Red Beetle, 5 Pink Carnation, White Carnation, and White Daisies [02.24.08]
(Wah! An anonymous benefactor!): Long-Stem Black Rose [02.17.08] Thanks to whoever sent it! Just found out who the anonymous benefactor was. Thanks xcoolaznkidx!
anserine/edokitty: Feb 08 Letter [02.14.08] RNG win in Fool's Errand thread ^-^
inmortalphoenix: 11 Red Dragonfly [02.14.08]
anserine/edokitty: Red Heart Glasses [02.14.08] TekTek contest consolation prize
Sparklingeyes827: Dirty Crumpled Newspaper, 2 White Daisies, Pink Carnation, Cricket, Grasshopper, Red Butterfly, 2 Grade F Fish Bait, Yellow Daffodil, Crumpled Green Construction Paper, Firefly, and 35 Token [02.07.08]
The cupcake mafia: 4 Red Dragonfly [02.05.08]
anserine/edokitty: Sealed Envelope 02/2008 [02.02.08] Added for winning RNG contest in Fool's Errand thread!
anserine/edokitty: Wild Orchid Kimono [02.01.08] Added for January Giveaway in Fool's Errand thread!
C l a i r i f y: 15 Red Dragonfly [01.30.08]
Sparklingeyes827: Crumpled Newsprint, 2 White Carnation, Crumpled Green Construction Paper, Cricket, 2 Grade F Fish Bait, Grasshopper, Red Beetle, and White Daisies [01.28.08]
e r i s e d y m: 7 Red Dragonfly [01.27.08]
panda but: 40 Red Dragonfly [01.26.08]
l.i.g.h.t.n.i.n.g: 32 Red Dragonfly [01.26.08]
edokitty/anserine: Neko Cutie Unlimited Art worth 1500 gold [01.25.08] Added because of Special Event gift in thread Fool's Errand.
rabbitgirl316: 4 Red Dragonfly [01.24.08]
that hanyou girl: 51 Red Dragonfly [01.21.08]
Ile-89: 9 Red Dragonfly [01.21.08]
Auriga07: 2 Red Dragonfly [01.18.08]
Evil_CherryXD: 3 Red Dragonfly [01.17.08]
Drak22: 13 Red Dragonfly [01.17.08]
Sparklingeyes827: 2 Old Crumpled Newspaper, Crumpled Zerox Paper Goldenrod, Crumpled Zerox Paper Blue, 5 Grade F Fish Bait, 3 White Carnation, 2 Green Dragonfly, 2 Pink Carnation, Sunflower, 2 Cricket, Blue Seedkin, 5 Purple Daisies, and 4 White Daisies [01.17.08]
Sparklingeyes827: Dirty Crumpled Newspaper, Red Beetle, Yellow Daffodil, Red Dragonfly, Yellow Butterfly, Red Butterfly, Brown Beetle, Cricket, 11 Pink Daffodil, 2 Crumpled Red Construction Paper, House Fly, and Crumpled Green Construction Paper [01.16.08]
Feralight: Devoted Pawn [01.15.08]
Vampiric_roze: 22 Red Dragonflies [01.13.08]
AryssaLuna: Mimzy Aura, Black Orchid Brooch, Blood Drop Brooch, 2x Magic Swamp Orb, and Birchwood Floor Tile [01.12.08]
LadyLayla: Kaya the Cat [01.05.08]
Ulfgar: 28 Red Dragonflies [2008] Trade was buried under a bunch of other trades so I don't know the exact date XD
k2theimmy: Bat Eye Patch (12.25.07) Added because of k2theimmy and .M!SERYxx's awesome thread Don't Ignore Me Like A Poinsettia!
sacramentia: 23 Red Dragonflies (12.22.07)
RavensCry: 4 Red Dragonflies (12.22.07)
Drenix: 11 Red Dragonflies (12.21.07)
edokitty/anserine: Jingle Met Hat (12.21.07) Happy Winter Solstice ^-^
Ninja Poe Bear: Cary Brothers Shirt (12.20.07) Added because of the extra item included after several trades ^-^
k2theimmy: Kaya the Cat and 4 Red Dragonflies (12.20.07) Added because of k2theimmy and .M!SERYxx's awesome thread Don't Ignore Me Like a Poinsettia! ^-^
Drenix: 14 Red Dragonflies (12.19.07)
Daft_Punk365: 5 Red Dragonflies (12.19.07)
k2theimmy: 1k gold (12.16.07) Added because of k2theimmy and .M!SERYxx's awesome thread Don't Ignore Me Like A Poinsettia! ^-^
UkkiAressa: Red Dragonfly, Green Dragonfly (x3), Yellow Butterfly (x6), Firefly (8x), Red Butterfly (x3), Brown Beetle (x3), Cicada (x5), Blue Beetle (x2), House Fly (x4), Grasshopper, Cricket (x5), Red Beetle (x2) (12.14.07)
Sparklingeyes827: 3 Grade F Fish Bait, Dirty Crumpled Newspaper, Crumpled Zerox Paper Blue, Red Butterfly (x2), Red Dragonfly, Green Dragonfly (x5), Yellow Butterfly (x5), Grasshopper, White Carnation (8x), Yellow Daffodil (x16), Brown Beetle, Crumpled Blue Construction Paper (12.13.07)
thedragonchampion111: 13 Red Dragonflies (12.12.07)
k2theimmy: 100 gold (12.11.07)
Devious Joker: 14 Red Dragonflies (12.11.07)
Machem: 5 Red Dragonflies (12.10.07)
PukeFacedFreak: 17 Red Dragonflies (12.10.07)
panda-luver-4ever: 4 Red Dragonflies (12.10.07)
mykilz: 2 Green Dragonflies (12.08.07)
Kairi-Strawberry: 8 Green Dragonflies, 8 Red Dragonflies, Blue Dragonfly, Grasshopper (x11), Cricket (x9), Firefly (x9), Brown Beetle (x14), Red Beetle (x12), Cicada (x12), House Fly (x6) (12.08.07)
edokitty/anserine: Sealed Envelope 12/2007 (12.08.07) Added because of her fantastic thread Fool's Errand!
blue engel: 2 Green Dragonflies (12.07.07) Added because of the extra item included in trade ^-^
blue engel: 4 Red Dragonflies (12.07.07)
joemama is back: Basic Fishing Rod, Grade F Fish bait, Crumpled Newsprint (x2), Crumpled Newspaper (x2), House Fly, Crumpled Red Construction Paper, Crumpled Paper Bag (x3), Crumpled Green Construction Paper (x2), Pink Carnation (x7), Pink Daffodil, White Carnation, and White Daisies (12.06.07) Added because of the selling and giveaway thread ^-^
edokitty/anserine: Sealed Envelope 12/2007 (12.06.07) Added because of her fantastic thread Fool's Errand!
rubytearz: 31 Red Dragonflies (12.03.07)
edokitty/anserine: Tama's basket 2nd generation (12.02.07) Added because of her fantastic thread Fool's Errand!
edokitty/anserine: Tiny Pixie Wings (12.01.07) Added because of her fantastic thread Fool's Errand!
Y Y Z -2112-: 2 Red Dragonflies, White Daisies, Pink Carnation (11.28.07)
[Shiva]: MoMo the Monkey (11.28.07) Added because of winning the dice rolling contest in the thread ^-^
city of delusion: Newsprint Fro, Newsprint Stars, White Shade Hat, Green Paper Spiky Hat, Yellow Punchingbag, Pancakes, Cool Starter Polo, Cool Sporty Starter Shirt, Cool Baggy Starter Shirt, Cool Dress Starter Shirt, Warm Sporty Starter Shirt, Cool Sporty Starter Sneakers (11.28.07)
city of delusion: White Paper Headband (11.28.07) Added because of the extra item included in trade ^-^
rikiki: 30 Red Dragonflies (11.28.07)
Sparklingeyes827: Grasshopper (x6), Brown Beetle (x4), Cicada (x3), House Fly (x4), Red Beetle (x2), Red Butterfly, Green Dragonfly, Crumpled Zerox Paper White (11.28.07)
Teh Shea-ness: Crumpled Zerox Paper Goldenrod, House Fly, Red Ink, Warm Starter Boots, Wine Hippie Shoes, Violet Matte Wall Tile (11.26.07)
Sh3d0w: Side Wood Table, Aqua Audio Receiver, White DVD Player, Makeshift Shelving, Dark Leather Ottoman, Dark Leather Chair, White Leather Chair, Red Kitchen Clock, Kitchen Clock, Green Kitchen Clock, Metal Toaster, and Side Light Wood Table (11.26.07)
Sh3d0w: Basic Dark Concrete Wall Tile (x2) and Basic Concrete Floor Tile (11.26.07) Added because of the extra items included after several trades ^-^
Qwert_window: Garbage Mask (x2), Yellow Ink, Blue Dragon Tail (x2) (11.25.07)
Qwert_window: Brown Pebbo Feeder (x2), Blue Seedkin, Red Guppy (11.25.07) Added because of the extra items included after several trades ^-^
changminnie: Detective's Magnifier (x2) (11.24.07) Added because of the extra items included after a trade ^-^
CherryBoBerry: Sakura's Cloak, Tan Peasant's Pants, Tan Peasant Gloves (11.24.07) Added because of the extra items included after several trades ^-^
Dawn Jr.: 7 Red Dragonflies and 7k gold o_O! (11.24.07)
-[BabyVamp]-: 5 Red Dragonflies (11.24.07)
GaaraZGirl: 4 Red Dragonflies and 300 gold (11.24.07)
D o r k - P h r e s h: 11 Red Dragonflies (11.23.07)
OverDosedCliche: Green Paper Spiky Hat (x2), Red Paper Spiky Hat (x2), Old Newspaper Combover, Bee Movie Suit, Bee Movie Helmet, Castaway Blue Shorts, Blood Drop Brooch (x2), Scion Bling Necklace, Catfish Whiskers, and 75 gold (11.23.07)
OverDosedCliche: Goldenrod Paper Cat Band, Long Bull Horns, Alien Antennae Horns, Syaoran's Cloak, Dried Grass Skirt, Blood Drop Brooch, Jack's Beard, Black Orchid Brooch (x2), 4th Anniversary, Blue Roman Candle, Token (x25), and Framed Gaia Artwork #27 (11.22.07)
littlepoky: Square Blox, Gray Peasant's Pants, Jack's 2k7 Armor Boots, Yellow Skull & Bones Arm Tattoo, Single Pink Carnation-Black Bouquet, and Yellow Kitchen Clock (11.22.07) Added because of the cute sale/giveaway thread!
OverDosedCliche: 12 Red Dragonflies (11.22.07)
zombie_zeppelin: 13 Red Dragonflies (11.22.07)
morror: 7 Red Dragonflies (11.22.07)
Apanu x3: Mokona Hat (11.21.07) Added because of the giveaway thread!
SporkingOrange: 42 Crumpled Zerox Paper Goldenrod, 38 Sunflowers, 87 Yellow Daffodils, 140 White Daisies, Ubi Ramen (11.21.07) Added because of the generous giveaway thread!
forest_faerie1245: 12 Red Dragonflies (11.21.07)
xoxo_xAngelx_xoxo: 10 Red Dragonflies (11.18.07)
ashley284: Smashing Cities (11.17.07) Added because of her awesome thread!
WyldeLady: 10 Red Dragonflies (11.15.07)
EmpressGoddess: Newspaper Combover (11.12.07)
Nisshu-chan: Magic Swamp Orb (11.12.07)
damion-kashu: 70 Red Dragonflies (11.12.07)
TuraLura_DragonSoul: 250 gold (11.11.07)
Hanekaeri: 8 Red Dragonflies and 500 gold (10.21.07)
Sparklingeyes827: 1 Red Dragonfly (10.17.07)
KoizumixxRisa: Black Retro Phone (10.17.07)
All Drugged Up: 40 Tickets, 15 Blue Daisies, 3 Blue Carnations, 3 Crumpled Red Construction Paper, 5 Crumpled Zerox Paper Goldenrod, 4 Old Crumpled Newspaper, 1 Red Beetle, 1 House Fly, 2 Old Boots, 1 Big Old Tire, 1 Pink Ink, 2 White Daisies (10.17.07)
StillYoung: 3 Red and 2 Blue Dragonflies (10.9.07)
Princess Dark One: 4 Red Dragonflies (10.8.07)
StillYoung: 6 Green Dragonflies (10.7.07)
Sparklingeyes827: 1 Red Dragonfly (10.3.07)
Belgarid: 7 Red Dragonflies (10.3.07)
Sparklingeyes827: 2 Red Dragonflies (9.27.07)
Jester the Demon: 8 Red Dragonflies (9.12.07)
Belgarid: 8 Red Dragonflies (9.10.07)
Jester the Demon: 1k gold (9.7.07)
thehappyjew: 10 Red Dragonflies (9.7.07)
A Redhead Angel: 13 Red Dragonflies (9.7.07)
S3XY B0Y: 146 gold (9.6.07)
Ile-89: 8 Red Dragonflies (9.6.07)
Chaos reincarnated: 3 Red Dragonflies (8.31.07)
iPho: 19 Red Dragonflies (8.30.07)
Ruler of Fire and Dark: 2 Red Dragonflies (8.30.07)
[ automatic ]: Thank you letter for November 2006 and 7k gold (8.29.07)
`D evils F ate`: Whip of Ice (8.20.07)
GideonStrife: 2k gold (8.17.07)
Earthenangel: 12 Green, 2 Blue, 5 Red Dragonflies (8.15.07)
Fenny Piper: Magic Swamp Orb and Magic Forest Orb (8.15.07)
Nataivel: 6 Red Dragonflies (8.15.07)
Hiaryu: 3 Red Dragonflies (8.9.07)
Lady Sahar: 2 Red Dragonflies (8.9.07)
vodka slurs: 4 Red Dragonflies (8.8.07)
SaRCaSTiC KiWiGiRL: 14 Red Dragonflies (8.8.07)
jessiepup260: 5 Red Dragonflies (8.7.07)
Doggeh_Inata: 19 Red Dragonflies (8.4.07)
-C l a i r i f y-: 28 Red Dragonflies (8.1.07)
SaRCaSTiC KiWiGiRL: 1 Red Dragonfly (8.1.07)
blueberries99: 10 Red Dragonflies and 300 gold (8.1.07)
jessiepup260: Caramel Cheesecake (8.1.07)
Iveen: 7 Red Dragonflies, 200 Tickets, and 3k gold (8.1.07)
RoXy_hEaRt0807: 5 Red Dragonflies, Caramel Cheesecake, and 3k gold (8.1.07)
Azure Souske: 3 Red Dragonflies and 3k gold (8.1.07)
-_Chewy Pencil_-: A whole lot of bugs and inks o.O (8.1.07)
-_Chewy Pencil_-: 20 Red Dragonflies (8.1.07)
aquatech13: 1 Red Dragonfly (8.1.07)
Ra-i-n: Lunar Cloak... o_O!
`Sardonic: 4k gold
darker than black: 200 gold
^michi-kun~: dark star