Alrial kept on rushing on towards the end of the marsh not knowing if something was really in pursuit of her at all, but it seemed that the priest was frightened enouph. Seriously she thought i only cut my hand its not bleeding all that much and what could possibly know that i did it. I think this old man is dilusional. Well I've had it im gonna slow down.
Just as Alrial was gonna slow her pace down, a sound pierced the marsh. Now she knew they WERE in pursuit of some flesh eating creature. Oh god, why me. Why must I always have the bad luck. I wanna go home! She whined. The sound now emitted closer now and soon the sounds multiplied. Alrial ran faster.
To Alrials left another sloshing could be heard, and she realized they weren't alone anymore. She paused were she was the pain of the cut on her hand began to throb, as the blood scurried down. The swamp seemed to darken. Two glowing eyes began to move from the shadows. A creature of immense proportions edged closer to her. The creatures skin was scaly like a komodo dragon and contained warts like that of a toad. It walked in a slouch but one could know that with that muscular body it was fast as hell itself. Perfect and fully eqquiped to hunt in this type of environment. Its arms were long and claws sharp, flawless enough to tear apart any poor creature ill-fated to cross its path. But the face is what Distiguished this Beast, Its face looked like that of a bull with three tentacles drooping down.

Alrial was frozen into place, like deer on a highway as oncoming headlights drawn near. She stopped Breathing.