last night I had one of THE coolest dreams ever....though it didn't last too long and was painful in the end....but still what happened was that I was at my old house over by the ditch in front of our house and I could have my hands up in the air and I could be running and jump up once and I would float a little then I'd jump again and I'd be flying!
well that was so fun but then one of the times I was flying up in the air, I couldn't fly high enough to avoid these power lines and so I dropped my arms to fall down, but it was too late and I was wearing these blue, sparkly shirt and short shorts that were skin tight and showed off my belly and my stomach was what hit the power line. well it felt like it only shocked me wear I hit it and I fell down and I couldn't move. Well then my bf came and carried me off to go to a hospital but then I woke up....