i always hated these days. as i looked out my window, rain pittered on the window. shk, shk went the water on the window sill. i sighed and closed my curtans. Suichi, my 2-tailed dog, ran up to me, barking. "i forgot to feed you again?" i asked, getting some steak and throwing it on the ground. suichi nibbled on it. as i grabbed my CD cases, thunder clapped, and all my discs fell to the ground, along with me. "Oh crudcake" i sighed, picking up 3 movies. "Let's see, what shall i watch? inuyasha," i sighed. "No, yu yu hakusho," i looked at suichi. "Maybe. ooh!" i said, looking at an old movie cover from 2003. "moon child! i don't remember getting this!" I opened the box. there was nothing in it. "awe!" i sighed. I threw the box down and plopped on the couch. "i'm boooored! living alone is boring!" i oozed onto the ground. then, suichi started barking at the door. "suichi?" i said. "you ok?" Suichi continued barking. I slowly opened the door. a black figure stared with it's evil red eyes down at me. I stood there stunned. Suichi barked and bit the man's leg. "agh!" he yelled, falling into my dorm. he had spiky brownish hair, earrings looking like they were 2 snakes wrapped around a crystal, a cross necklace, and a black suit. when he looked up at me, i knew who it was. and finally he spoke. "Hello," he said in a deep voice. "My name is gackt."
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hi. I am bored

Let Jasmine You's soul live on
and forever may our hearts be with him, here,
to watch him as he flies
to a place beyond the stars
a place where he may live
a place where he is free...
Miyavi is my Superhero!
-Whenever a song that has no voice is sung, how can you call it music, music is a voice of soul~
Un-do~ by me
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Let Jasmine You's soul live on
and forever may our hearts be with him, here,
to watch him as he flies
to a place beyond the stars
a place where he may live
a place where he is free...
Miyavi is my Superhero!
-Whenever a song that has no voice is sung, how can you call it music, music is a voice of soul~
Un-do~ by me