Oh mi gawd, Foamy is right. You know what, stop with the drugs, it's not cool, GTF OVER IT! It's not a need, it's a Choice and who ever does drugs needs to stop. It's KILLING YOU, it's ILLEAGAL, and it's NOT COOL. I don't really care if you think you HAVE to do it because of stress because you know what, life is stress, stress is live, so, get the freak over it. You don't need drugs ok?! If you have a bad day, don't do drugs 'cause you know what, it's RETARDED PEOPLE!!! RETARDED!!!!!! No more drugs. LIGHTEN THE FREAK UP!!!! DRUGS DON'T HELP YOU!!!!!!!!! Don't push it off onto someone else either 'cause then YOU'RE KILLING THE HUMAN RACE!!!! Mi freakin' gawd!!!!! DOWN WITH THE DRUGS!!!!
Listen to FoamySign if you're against drugs.

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