Once long long ago,before your grandparents were born,there lived a girl named Erika.She was a high school senoir.She had the best boyfriend anyone could imagine.While she was as beautiful as a blood colored rose,delicate as a crisp white snowflake,and she had a heart of pure shining yellow gold.Erika had one of the best lifes anyone could imagine.She had never lost anyone either,so she was never depressed or sad in her life.Erika had many friends,and many others wanted to be her friend.Espicaly the boys.You see she had shadow dark;curly;hair,a light tan skin color,and a pair of the most unusual sparkling grey eyes.
Her best friends,Leon and Andrea,were always there for her when ever she needed it.Leon had pure white hair(no ever knew why),ocean blue eyes,and light skin.Andrea had chocolate brown hair,yellow eyes,and the same tan colored skin Erika had.They were always together.
Erika's boyfriend,Lioniel,had corn yellow hair,a pair of rain storm-blue-gray eyes,and a extremly light tan skin color.He was muscular,had a A-B average in shcool,was on the foot ball team,but he had one problem.No one knows why,but he was always getting some of the worst cases of the flu.
When Erika and her friends were in the middle of november,Leon told his two friends that he would be going to a college when winter break starts.Leon was going because he had an A average from elementary to highschool,and was considered a prodigy in the making.
His two friends were devistated at the fact that he was leaving them forever.When it was three weeks before Leon's departure,Andrea's parents were unpleased to tell her that they were moving during winter break.When Andrea told her friends that,Erika thought that this wasn't happening.That none this was real,it was just a dream.
So when the day for Erika's friends to leave Erika held them a farwell party at her house.It ended when they both had to leave.Erika said her goodbyes and gave each one of them a warming hug.She didn't cry when this happened,because she still hadn't felt a wave a sadness in her heart yet.
That night when Erika went to bed.She heard a tapping noise on her window.When she opened the curtains she saw it was nothing but a tree branch tapping against it.
The following day Lioniel had a foot ball game.So Erika went alone.When the game was half-way through Lioniel suddenly collasped on the field.Erika rushed down from the bleachers to the field.Everyone was crowded around him.Lioniel was sweating like crazy,He was weezing through his nose,and coughing insanely.
When the ambulance had taken him away to the hospital Erika was by his side.At the hospital Erika waited paitently in the waiting room.When she heard a blood curling scream that shouted her name.She rushed towards Lioniel's room when she saw him there lying stilly still weezing for air.Erika sat beside him.Lioniel grasped her right arm and looked soulfully into her eyes.Erika could barely hear him but he said:"Erika I Love you insanely but I will have to leave you soon."Then a huge shudder went through his body.He said:"Goodbye Erika.I love you."Then his eyes slowly closed and another shudder wnet through him, then he lied there still."No."Erika said"NO!THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING!!!!"After she said that she ran from the hospital to her house.
That night when Erika was sleeping she heard that tapp against her window again.It finaly annoyed her to the point to were she went out side to cut the branch off.Once Erika had cut the branch off she could still hear that tapp over and over.There was a storm coming.The tapping noise finaly drove Erika insane.She was screaming:"STOP IT!!!STOP IT!!!NO!!!THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING TO ME!!!!"She bent down on her knees and then it started to rain.Erika was still screaming then it started raining so hard you could hear the noise miles aways.Erika stopped screaming when it started to thunder.She could still hear the tapping noise in her head.Then all the pain of her friends leaving and her boyfriend dying rushed in to her.She scream:"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!NOO!!!THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Sudenly ,we think the heaven heard her,a giant bolt of lightining struck her.Sundenly little by little parts of her floated up into the heavens with the lightining bolt.As she floated up into the heavens she thought:"Finaly I'll be with Lioniel,and I can watch Leon and Andrea."
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