OH ! Speaking of my dog Snoop..I drew the BEST PICTURE EVER OF HER!! whee I could never draw her before since she was always moving and running about and wouldn't hold still for me, and since I am a visual artist, that screwed me up BIG TIME. But, got a picture of her when she was a puppy ( about a year ago) and TA DA!! A MASTER PIECE!! mrgreen WOOT!! *does a dance* hehee..
I have ...2 days til I gotta go to Delaware, there aint nothing wrong with it, I just don' t wanna take the 2 day drive to get there! gonk ..Oh well, I 'll live through it....i gets to eat fast food for awhile! WOOT! twisted
Lost in those memories
Lost once again in my childhood memories
The old times spent with friends
what a joyous time we spent together
ha ha ..i remember when those times seemed endless
As we were lost in our happiness
Listening to the wind whisper softly out in the garden
i wish those times didn't end so soon
Hearing the voices of bickering and laughter through the halls
ahh.. how i wish to be alone just for a minute longer
To listen to those memories of long since past
How i wish they would last
in my eyes they are replaying all over again
i want to hold them just for a minute longer
it has been twenty years since i have been seven
those times were heaven
Slamming through the door out come the fighters
yelling and screaming as usual
ha ha ha! ..What great happiness all around
closing my eyes the memories fade out
the world around me holds me tightly
ahh..i will not let go..
*This was written from inspiration I received after looking at a picture of Shigure..*