I drew another picture!!! But I too lazy to shadow it and edit.
If you want your Gaia charateeer Drawny, contacty Adem0nic!!!! 3nodding
You can ask for your drawing to be drawn on either windows paint, or on paper which will be taken photo of and posted on the web for you to pick up.
Your Character drawn = 500 gold
You Customize/ request to have a group of your friends drawn = 600 gold!!!
A Background drawn with your Character = 1000 gold xd
To see more art, visit Adem0nic journal.
Thanku very much for reading xd free hugs for those who read it!!!!!!


Inspired by Adem0nic cause he is KOOL!!!!!!!
The trio is Adem0nic, Bl0odwake, and Blackcat222 as fingerpuppets!!!
Thankyou for reading!!!