Problems at home are driving me ******** nuts, so I'm feeling a little down today. It's been enough to drive even the happiest person into depression. I'm not going to sit here and whine about the details, but suffice to say that my life is not all strawberries and cream right now.
If my parents don't stop this ridiculous "we're gonna pretend that everything's fine to each other then turn around and take it out on the kids" routine, I'm going to scream. Or punch both of them and walk out of the house. I'm tired of being bitched at for every little thing just because my dad is doing something he shouldn't.
I get enough stress between going to college full time and working on the weekends. I DO NOT NEED THIS CRAP!
On a lighter note, I hope everyone is having a better Christmas season than me. Because mine pretty much SUCKS.
Oh, and the review for this journal is:
Tranformers Autobots
I'll give it a 8/10
The good:
The level-up system- It's neither too hard nor too easy to gain levels, and the skills you gain are distributed well.
The boss battles- They're challenging without making you want to tear your hair out in frustration. Nor will they make you say "geez this is pathetic."
Graphics- I'm impressed at the level of detail and the 3-D aspect. I'ts refreshing to play a DS game that doesn't look and feel like a gussied up GBA game.
other- running around as a giant robot is really damn fun.
Story- the movie and it's characters were integrated well. (by which I mean they heaved all the human oriented bits out the window, stopped trying to make a car commercial out of it, and JUST LET GIANT ROBOTS BE GIANT ROBOTS!)
The bad:
controls- you didn't use the touch screen a whole lot. Although it made it way easier to thumb through menus.
Having two different accellerate buttons for car mode seemed a bit redundant.
Other than a few minor problems, it's awesome.
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