Nemone : Wow, we really did a great job helping those orphans didn't we. Even if I didn't get such a cute item out of it, I would still be glad I did it.
Kiki : Yeah, good thing Grunny didn't help.
Coco : Grunny is creepy.

Grunny : Rwarwr!

Nemone : My new item!

Nemone : Revenge!

Coco : Wahhh! You defeated Grunny!
Kiki : So uh... I guess the candycane isn't just for show.
Nemone : Well, I thought it was but I guess it must be possessed by the Christmas spirit. Even Grunny can't beat that right?
Coco : Let's wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

All together (except Grunny) : Merry Christmas!
Grunny : *barf*
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