Nemone : Isn't Christmas great Kiki. If we leave these cookies here we'll definitely get some presents right. I love presents, don't you Kiki?
Kiki : Presents are great but I like cookies a lot too.
Nemone : These cookies are for Santa, Kiki. If we don't leave them here Santa might get mad right?

Nemone : Kiki, there aren't any presents from Santa yet but the cookies are gone... Why are the cookies gone Kiki?
Kiki : Master, you suddenly look really scary
Nemone : I want presents! Give me back my cookies Kiki!
Kiki : Save me!!!!
Nemone : Don't be so dramatic. I'm just going to light the fire. Now go and get me some cookies Kiki or else I'll send you THERE.
Kiki : No, not THERE. Not the Marketplace!
Even though it's Christmas eve Kiki will be forced into the cold in a quest for cookies. Even if Kiki brings cookies Nemone will only get coal.
Community Member
Kiki, ish all chur fault for getting hungry. scream